1 / 60
Jun 2021

Edit: well, I've obviously said something to either offend or make people assume I'm a spam bot, as this post was flagged for Spam of all things. As someone who's been using the Tapas forum for a very long time, that kind of surprised me. I think I figured out the problem though, so I've adjusted the title but left the body the same. If it get's flagged again, I understand and I won't post about answering questions in the future. Thank you!

Original post:

This is a bit of a pay it forward. About 2 years ago, a featured original artist came on these forums and took the time to review and answer questions for people, and I thought that was really very sweet. Especially cause information is kind of hard to verify these days. So I thought I'd do the same.

I can't give specifics because I do not and will not give clues or answers for who I am. But, I've decided that since I'd be considered a "made it" webcomic artist, as I am signed with Webtoon, I'd love to pass forward that chance to ask questions and get help that I definitely looked for when I was starting out with comics.

I don't know if anyone will care enough to ask questions or even have anything they want to ask but this topic is here if anyone does. I will not give out confidential information regarding Webtoon so some questions I may not be able to answer. But any questions regarding comics in general are welcome.

Good luck for people doing the comic grind, it's a tough world and not everyone makes it, but you all have my respect for putting the time and effort into your projects. :slight_smile:

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There are 59 replies with an estimated read time of 19 minutes.

lol, I'll do that, but considering I'm keeping my identity a secret, there's not much I can say hahah.

No worries cuz I'm also keeping my identity a secret too. Though I'm a writer, I'd love to know anything about webcomic making. I'll put your thread on bookmark and come back at ya if I have questions.:grin:

thanks! well my post got flagged for spam so.... idk what it was but perhaps it's a sign that I shouldn't be answering questions hahaha. I'll try and contact someone to see exactly what I did wrong.

Congratulations for getting featured! I hope the thread will not be deleted for whatever reason. xD And it's really sweet of you to be willing to share your experience, and I understand that you'd like to keep the anonymity.

I'd like to ask several questions then!
1. How long did you stay as a canvas until you got the offer?
2. Did you get featured as a canvas comic before getting the offer? How many times?
3. How was the process like after getting the offer? Did webtoon give a contract immediately? Did you get a lawyer to review the contract?
4. I noticed that some canvas comics that got the offer would eventually post in Original MONTHS later, what happened in those months?
5. How many episodes in advance do you have to finish before the launch? Do you have to already come up with the ending of the comic?
6. Do you have to hire your own assistant? Does Webtoon provide and pay for an editor?
7. Do you have to redraw everything from scratch from episode 1 to look better on Original?
8. How do you get paid? Is it pay per episode? Pay per view? Pay per amount of subscribers?
9. What happens if you take a vacation or get sick, and fall behind schedule of making comic?
10. Who chooses the day you post? Some post on Monday or Wednesday etc.

I could go on. You don't have to answer everything immediately.
But I'm too curious :smiley:

I don't know why you were flagged because there's nothing wrong with it and you don't seem like a spam bot. There's nothing wrong with maintaining anonymity. If you ever were, then that's another story. If you're just fitting into the forums, then you've gotten a way bad first impression starting in the Tapas community with "the new you".

thank you so much!

  1. How long did you stay as a canvas until you got the offer?
    A really really long time. Several years in fact. Which is out of the norm I will admit, and it makes me extra grateful that they eventually still contacted me.

  2. Did you get featured as a canvas comic before getting the offer? How many times?
    Many times. Both on the canvas section and on the front page, as a banner and as a comic in the suggested section. There is a trend where comics that are often featured will get contract offers. It makes sense if you think about it from a standpoint of marketable comics that they'd push on their website also being ones they'd want to sign. Keep in mind though that my comic was around for a long time, while many aren't around on canvas for that long, so I had more time for features.

  3. How was the process like after getting the offer? Did webtoon give a contract immediately? Did you get a lawyer to review the contract?
    I'm not gonna be able to answer anything about the contract process due to confidentiality. I did get a lawyer to review my contract but not all artists too.

  4. I noticed that some canvas comics that got the offer would eventually post in Original MONTHS later, what happened in those months?
    It can take a really long time to get your comic ready for Originals, especially if there are things you need to change for it. take Graveweaver's I'm the Grim Reaper for example. They had to overhaul the comic style completely for Originals and that's usually the main reason. Sometimes you have to edit the comic for webtoons and sometimes you personally want to as an artist change your comic or the relaunch.

  5. How many episodes in advance do you have to finish before the launch? Do you have to already come up with the ending of the comic?
    This is flexible. they like to have 10+ episodes if you can but you're free to discuss with your editor what you'd like. And again, ending wise, it is up for discussion but they do like you to have a firm grasp of your entire comic for the purposes of it being logical for efficiency.

  6. Do you have to hire your own assistant? Does Webtoon provide and pay for an editor?
    Assistants are completely up to you, the artist's, discretion. They don't have anything to do with it. You do get an editor that helps out with feedback though from their end.

  7. Do you have to redraw everything from scratch from episode 1 to look better on Original?
    you don't have to, but many artists will because they want to.

  8. How do you get paid? Is it pay per episode? Pay per view? Pay per amount of subscribers?
    You do get paid. You can find old interviews about how webtoons pays artist, I won't go into exactly how we are paid, again for confidentiality reasons, sorry. However, something that is common knowledge is that we do get money if you pay for fast pass episodes.

  9. What happens if you take a vacation or get sick, and fall behind schedule of making comic?
    They are very very flexible so you can let them know if something has come up. However, you are expected to be a professional about it, give prior notice if that's possible and not miss schedule unless there is a proper reason. Like any job.

  10. Who chooses the day you post? Some post on Monday or Wednesday etc.
    Webtoons mainly, we can discuss, and that is the case for almost anything regarding your comic.

hope that was helpful! Sorry I have to be vague sometimes.

haha it's alright. I've been on the tapas forums forever, and I've been on tapas itself since year 1 or 2 of it's launch so I don't hold it against them. Tapas is childhood home base for comics for me.

Congratulations on being featured! I saw the announcement yesterday!
Most of the questions I had in mind were asked by @doublemelon :+1: :laughing:

So bad your post was flagged, I hope it doesnt get closed or deleted.
I just get up from bed and turned on my pc just to support you man


I assume the one who flagged you either tot you might be a bot and giving false info since you are trying to stay anon or someone who wanna ordereveryonearoundtheforumandhasnotbeenaroundforsolongeithertochillabit...


yeah, sorry, I can't. It's ok if you don't believe me. There are strange people on the internet that claim many things that aren't true haha. It's a matter of personal comfort and my own issues that I want to keep my name anonymous and since my name is on my comic, I can't share it. Thank you for understanding.

*I'm not sure it's the reason to get flagged but I think long ago we were enouraged to not discuss Webtoons since this is the Tapas Forum. To avoid Webtoons users coming here to promote going there.

If somebody can confirm this I will appreciate to know.

hahaha thank you!

I won't say anything else, but I'm not necessarily in that post :wink: just feeling very nostalgic so I popped into the forum to say hello again.

So bad your post was flagged, I hope it doesnt get closed or deleted.
I just get up from bed and turned on my pc just to support you man

Yeah, I really don't know what I did wrong haha. They said it got flagged multiple times so.... I really don't know. Appreciate the support!

Wow thank you so much for answering everything! ^-^

That was super helpful!!

I'm sorry if some of the questions are public knowledge, I haven't really looked around the details on Google before xD

If a Tapas featured comic artist would bother coming here and answer questions, that'd be great too lol

:blank: good to know but... ive seen a lot of self-promoting only one comic or novel topics not being closed in the past months. correct me if Im wrong