11 / 16
Nov 2015

this is Edna Harlow, principal of swipe city high in my comic Talesfromswipecity

known to her students as "bootface" she is one of those old fashion teachers that seem to delight in making students feel uneasy ( and based on a maths teacher I had)

I have always been fascinated in nicknames of teachers and i would like to come up with a few for other teachers to appear in my comic, so i wonder if you would recall a few nicknames of teachers (no real names please) .

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    Nov '15
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    Nov '15
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In the grade six "Bitch" when talking to her, "F***ing stupid bitch" in the apology letters to her the principal made me write.

Why? because she would always write my name down for detentions repetitively, when I decided to ask why one day she said "I don't trust you. You don't keep your hands on your desk so you could be hiding a knife or a gun." When I argued that lots of students don't have their hands on their desk during class her response was "Well the other students aren't you and we're talking about you."

After that I decided "**** this, if I'm gonna keep getting detention I may as well do something to ****ing deserve it. I'm going to be a horrible student, in fact, I'm going to be such a horrible student that when she's retired and people are asking her 'who were some of your worst students?' My name will be the first one to come to mind." and with that the war against me and Bitch was started.

We used to call our identity design lecturer 'The Burninator', because he would make you stand at the front of the class and tear your work to shreds.

In high school we had a chemistry teacher named Mrs. Skelhorn. Sooo.... Obviously we called her Skelator/skelly. And to be honest she liked it, saying that it made her feel badass 😁😁😁

I had an art teacher I didn't really like all that much, I'm not going to say her actual teachers' name because I don't want to possibly get myself in trouble (just in case)
But to start off she was...kind of a b**ch ...and really gross.
She had to have been over 300 pounds or more, she also had plaque psoriasis and everyone called her Swamp Monster behind her back >_>

Now I'm just going to say I'm not grossed out by the fact she was obese or for the fact she had severe plaque psoriasis...I'm grossed out by the fact that she would use the motherf***king art tools in the classroom like the scissors for example to scrape off chunks of dead skin!

I'd be handed my graded papers and they would have chunks of dead skin on them and I'd be like

yuk! i think i'd be the same. but swamp monster is a good nickname for a teacher.

My anatomy teacher was Ms Sopiarz and we called her either Soaps or Soapalope.
(Also slightly unrelated but still related because of nicknames, I had a friend named Enass that I nicknamed Anus and we were in the same class, one day while we were digging into the frozen dead cat I was like "Yo Anus come here" and Sopiarz was bewildered, said "WAIT WHAT!!?? DID YOU CALL HER?!" and she got all indignant about it and we were both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Our health teacher we used to call "The Creepazoid" because he was an all around weird dude. He had a huge mirror at the top of his desk that'd look down and he would put busty girls at the front of the class to check out in the mirror. He also did push ups on his desk sometimes? Anyway many years after I graduated I think he got caught with kiddie porn on his computer, to no one's surprise.

Oh gawsh, we had Major Yucky the Yuckicorn, and his sidechick Minor. And Kernelman, the ghost Colonel.
Why do these have to end int he real world. :C

We have a teacher back in highschool the we used to call "Bullfrog" because of her double chin. Of course we don't call her that straight in the face lest we get failing grades and teacher's there take these things too personal.

Since I went to a Catholic school (Despite not actually being a Catholic hahaha) we had a lot of nuns and our principal was a nun too , so the students usually called her 'penguin' because of how their habit looked like and because she walked reallllyyyyy sloooooooooow. She was pretty mean too tbh. She'd always scold students for sleeping during mass even if she herself slept during the actual mass itself! And for someone who preaches about humility and life's simplicity , her office sure had A LOT of expensive stuff. Her laptop was pretty high end too , now that I think about it. frowning

Both of the teachers with class nicknames I remember were notoriously mean.

The one history teacher everyone called "Old Ben" because she looked like Benjamin Franklin. The resemblance was startling. Among other things, she falsely accused me of cheating on a paper once. My parents said if my younger brother ended up with her on his schedule they were going to tell the school to switch him out and not take no for an answer.

The other teacher was named Schroeder (pronounced shray-der) which my classmates turned into Darth Schroeder.