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Apr 2023

What're the funniest webcomics you've read?

I've recently got into Florks. I dunno who the author is, but I really love his comedic timing. I'm shocked he's constantly online 24/7 too. He never seems to get old and a lot of his punchlines come out of nowhere. I don't know what I'm getting which is... WILD for a comic strip.

Another is the Team Fortress comic. The fact that the joke is the writers coming up with the most insane stuff for a game that DOESN'T need lore is so fun. The story's engaging and it's probably the only serialized comic where it feels like it's written by a professional comedian. And it's FREE.

Then there's the Nuzlocke comic (first two seasons). Love how crude it starts off before having a narrative. Also the first webcomic I've ever read. Really influential on me.

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I really loved LOVE ADVICE FROM THE GREAT DUKE OF HELL on webtoon originals it's amazing, mostly I rarely like any comedic stories cuz authors tend to make few chapters funny then go off in the storyline but this story is 11/10 like seriously comedic element is top teir and it's plot twist are amazing too. Definitely worth to read.

Oglaf!... which I probably shouldn't link here since it's a porn comic, but it's hilarious imo! Gag-ish style stories revolving around medieval fantasy characters and sex.

The Perry Bible Fellowship1 is another favorite, the jokes can be pretty dry, but that's right up my alley. (Also has some dirty jokes, but they're mostly SFW.)

Lastly, this is a romance with some drama, but the facial expressions in this comic kills me. The main chick has some rubber face stuff going on, it's great.

The Perry Bible Fellowship, tho the humor is very dark.

Ax Cop is good if you want "LOL Random" type of comedy.

I also like Last Kiss, because I am deranged.