3 / 20
Sep 2020

I will show you how to bring to life the potential of your "crappy" drawings.
Reply with an image of a character or a concept that you want to make but you feel its missing something (or that it just isn't right/not good enough ...etc).
A different perspective might help you find the perfect design!
I'll include some tips and tricks as well, even a video if you guys want.
If your art is top notch this might not be for you, but you can still join!

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
  • 19


  • 1.0k


  • 9


  • 47


  • 1


And your... credentials? Any art example? =)

I thought it would be a fun thing to do, but then again we live in a society.
I'm not applying for a job so no credentials, if anyone's interested they can test it out and people can judge the outcome.

FireCrossDraw's art27

Linked above is the sample art of the one who will improve your "crappy" drawing.

I am sorry for people asking you for your credentials, when they can simply click your profile and do themselves a favor. Right? :sweat_smile:

It is a fun thing to do and I didn't mean to demean your idea, it's just nice to know what does your art look like and what people can expect, that's all :v:

You don't have to delete the post. Just let it stand and wait until other people give it a look.

Though, it does make it more convenient to show examples of your work. Nothing about showing credentials -- it's just so that people know right off the bat instead of needing to search through your posts, you know? Just makes it easier on you and them.

But if you're going for a surprise element, that's chill too. Don't think this is really something to delete a post over, but eh.

Ah, thanks! It's nice to see other people's preferences.
Now I know why my design fails to reach wider audiences. :grin:

I did a short "test" comic to try out an art style before switching over to what I ended up using for Crow's Worth. I hated the way the eyes looked and even looking back, she looks so underweight compared to how she looks now.

I knew that, that's why I made basically no changes, its just that this post is about redesigning weird concepts and making them legit.

It’s my bad, I didn’t see that part of the OP when I first posted. But thank you anyways.