2 / 36
Nov 2020


I laugh but it's hard to really enjoy it. NHN is too big for this fail to matter. As far as they are concerned they just removed competition. What little effort they put into this was to strip the parts people loved about SmackJeeves.

Edit: Added screenshot because the site is violating multiple laws and thus blocked in many countries.

I also want to add a reminder- if you or anyone else have a favourite comic or comment from that site the time to save and archive is now. NHN is effectively saying they are destroying years of webcomic history before the end of this year.

  • created

    Nov '20
  • last reply

    Mar '21
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Ironically enough, I was just experimenting with cross posting my comic on other sites and Smack Jeeves was the first one I tried. I wasn't really sure if there would be any point to it, but I guess they answered that question for me. LOL

I can't say I'm surprised. A little over a year ago, they revamped the site and took away everything people liked about SJ in the first place and turned it into a shitty Tapas/Webtoon clone. When they did that, rather than stay with the shitty knockoff site, all their content creators just moved to Tapas and/or Webtoons.

I was one of the ones that jumped ship right when they made all their changes. I specifically choose SJ over Tapas or Webtoons, because I liked that SJ let me have an entire website that I could customize, and they focused more on single-page comics, rather than the vertical scrolling format. Then overnight they get rid of customizable sites, switched to vertical scrolling format, removed my ability to interact with my readers, and deleted their forums. Why on Earth would I stay after that??

A few of my regular readers suggested Tapas, I migrated here and never looked back. SJ 100% brought this on themselves.

This is their own doing. I loved Smackjeeves. But they went against community wishes with very little transparency before hand and drove their largest creators off the website chasing in webtoons' shadow. i still updated there for the past year but I switched my entire focus to Tapas as soon as that change went into effect and I was never a large creator from there

I also looked up for their app Pocket Comics on google play and it says it's incompatible with my device even though I use a standard Galaxy S8.

Fs in chat for Smackjeeves. It was the first dedicated site I posted Bestia's Wtath on, and I loved it a lot as I could upload the pages in the original definition, and add image descriptions for accessibility, and even set up panel focuses for mobile reading. Like it was such a cool site. And then they kinda changed it and I left.

Fs in chat, again.

NHN has both region lock on the site as well as violating GDPR laws and who knows what else (I do not recall the equivalent for the Americas).

So only privileged people can read comics there while most of the world will remain on tapas and webtoon, what a shame, They are helping their competition by not going global.

This was the concern we brought on Tapas when they almost did the same with the new design.
But Tapas was and is the place for creators and they listen to their community and they survived.

Smackjeeves was the first place I posted a comic on and was what got me into learning web design. So it's a shame because I liked the unique, old fashioned single page comics and the ability to make my own site. That was fun.

I already stopped using it when they removed the customization part, just lost interest by then. I can't give an eff they're dead now. It's just a shame we've moved on from that because I still prefer comics over webtoons.

I use to use that site, but i never got any traffic so I just deleted my account when i saw this thread.

Smackjeeves was the first webcomic site I used, starting in 2012. I noticed over the years, the site's age was starting to show however, some of their older features I liked. Like being able to organize pages into chapters and reorder pages, a feature which is missing on most new webcomic sites.

I think their issue with updating their site was that instead of offering something different than their competitors, they decided to just make a bad copy of Webtoons. They pissed off their old users by removing features they liked and turned new users away due to it looking like a bootleg.

I feel more bad for the users and content creators than I do for those running the site.

I'm not a comic creator but I checked the site and can't enter (I live in Norway if this information helps).

Believe it or not, SmackJeeves was actually the first webcomic site I visited. I was even planning on originally uploading the comic I'm working on now up there. I eventually changed my mind, but I kept the site in the back of my head. It's a shame to see it go.

I tried SJ, but I was unable to log in from my iPad (despite password and username being correct). That pretty much killed the site for me right there.
It’s sad to see it go fir everyone who actually was able to fully use the site. But it also kinda shows what’s about to happen if you ignore the needs of your userbase (creators and readers alike). Let’s hope neither Tapas nor Webtoons will fall in the same trap :<

As much as it doesn't come as a shock to me that this is what's happening to Smackjeeves, I'm still pretty upset about it. I had been on that site since around 2010, and there's so many fond memories I have of comics that I remember reading. Growing up on webcomics is what made me the creator I am now, and with the site going to close I feel pretty sad just thinking of all the comics that will disappear with it. Worst part is, it really didn't have to come to this, NHN literally could have not flipped a 180 on the entire site and there wouldn't have been a problem. :no_mouth: I appreciate letting us know about the news, since I'm no longer uploading my comic on there (it consistently logs me out after each login, so I no longer have the patience to keep logging in) I would have not have known.

Aww no :frowning: I started to upload my comic there back in 2011 and I still sometimes visit it (now with vpn bc otherwise I'm blocked) to read old comments... I had most readers on that site too a few years ago so im sad to see it go.

Oof, Rest in peace, the last place my old comic was available online.... :cry_02: