15 / 19
Sep 2020

Looks super 3D now! Love the repeated texture through hair, dress and fire. And then the lighting on the back of the jacket :ok_hand:

Looks awesome! I super appreciate that the whole thing is painted now rather than placed over a photograph.

Wow this beautiful ... and with this I learned that in the forum you can add images hehehe

This looks awesome! Who made this? I'm trying to find someone to do some cover art for me because I think the last artist I've been in contact with flaked on me :sob:

It's a really impactful cover, it definitely catches your interest right away and makes you want to find out more about the story!

I will say that, at first glance, it is a little hard to read the title. Especially if you're looking at it with a dim screen or at a thumbnail size, it's really hard to make out the purple font on the dark background. A super super easy fix would be to make your title font the same bright yellow or orange of the fire. It will give it so much more contrast and will really pop off the dark parts of the cover and make it much easier to read :+1:

I hope you are ready to pay some money :joy: I paid a good price for this cover. but here is there facebook if you want to contact them for their pricing and what not.

Yeah the lettering has been hard to get right on this cover. I can't get feel of where the best spot is or color for it for that matter but thanks I will take that into consideration.

having the whole picture in one consistent art style, is definitely an improvement. One thing that I think was a strange decision, if not intentional; was that you changed they direction your character was facing. In the original, his face was toward the camera which has a focused or driven energy. It's aggressive, but not hostile, it makes the girl look like the secondary priority. A sort of "so what I save the day" vibe. The second version, he's facing the girl, but looking at the fire. The energy has changed to a "who is this lady, and what happened here?" vibe. If that was intentional, then kudos, if not, it still looks great I like the change, it's just a thing to keep in mind during composition.

Another change, that is somewhat significant is that in first, it only shows one building, and its on fire, in the second, it shows a second building, not on fire, which kinda changes the intensity. Now its not the only building here burning down, it's a specific targeted, and limited space burning down. Idk what the context of the portrayed scene is, but I definitely think the inclusion of a separate building, and the energy of life the shrubs add, hurt the urgency of the cover.

The shading is leagues better, anatomy leagues better. The second one is in broad strokes better. The composition is the only thing I felt took a hit. Keep up the good work!!!

Here's my most recent Cover. You did a really great job with weight in yours, particularly that of the fabric. Which is an area I don't think I'm bad in, but could improve in. On the other hand, I spend a lot time practicing composition, since I graduated as a film major.

I see what you are saying and I think the same thing him not facing us does take away the angry, aggressive, and vengeful look I wanted for my OC and makes it more sad but I think that it's also fitting for me to have a sad cover to cause it's his wife he is holding in his hands so yeah he angry but he also sad. and it was always just supposed to be one building on fire cause it was a targeted kill but in the first on it's more of a close up of what is going on.

The wife thing explains his change in demeanor. The other building could have been cropped out the shot, even if it would naturally be there.