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Aug 2019

Curious, do you do your rough sketches with a hard or softedge tool.

I know... always asking the boring stuff but curious on your preference for stuff like thumbnailing and drafting.

  • created

    Aug '19
  • last reply

    Aug '19
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Soft in analog, a whole rainbow in digital

I used some kinda preset brush that is mostly hard-edge but has an ever-so-slight feathering. I'm assuming you meant brush type when you said "tool". Idk I'm kinda st00pid

I use hard edge for everything lol. But for sketching I'd say to use a large hard brush so you can think with "shapes" rather than "lines" easily. With soft edges the space it takes up can be kind of vague and not so good for planning clear silhouettes and stuff. There are different methods for sketching (everyone has their own method), personally I do the thing where you draw a rough-ish shape and chisel away with a hard eraser for details

I prefer to use soft brushes for my sketches, so my go-to in CSP is nearly always the rough pencil brush.

I like to mix it up, keep it exciting. It really honestly doesn't matter. Right now I'm all about doing my thumbnails in the Kyle Webster ratty brush in photoshop. In CSP I use the standard G-pen. Traditionally, I sketch a bic pencil or a bic pen. I've tried all the expensive art brands and yet I always go back to bic.

i use a pencil imitator when sketching digitally - very soft edge and low opacity so i can build over the sketch instead of doing like several layers of sketch or anything

soft brush for shapes, like Jenny said, and then hard brush for clean up

For the time being I do my digital sketching with a generic hard edge circle brush, but kind of thick so a lot of my sketches look kind of blobby lol. Which is in stark comparison to traditional, where I prefer to sketch with mechanical pencil or especially ball point pen which leave very thin lines obviously. I'm still new-ish to digital art though and so not completely sure if I'd prefer emulating my traditional sketching more closely, or just leave them each as their own thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Digitally I do a soft "marker" in sai and then lower it's opacity after the shapes are down, then do either the same marker to do a sketch line, or I do a harder tool depending on how "firm" I want the lines to be. But that's still all in the sketch phase.

I normally use hardedge but might switch it up for funzies

Soft! But not fuzzy? (does that make sense?)

My turn! Big or small brushes?

For sketches I am using brush that is called "hard"... but I think it's pretty soft and it looks like some marker type, if you look closely =) Definitely much softer than the one I use for lineart in the comic. It highly depends on the strength you apply, which is great for sketches. Also, always around 5 pixels ^^

I usually use a hard edge that feathers with pen pressure. I usually start on one layer, with the brush at low opacity. From there I make more layer to clean up the sketch and then combine those layers into one.

I use Hard edge for sketching and outlining '-' I just love keeping stuff ''neat" even if it was only a messy sketch .

Either a larger version of the same brush I use for inking, which is technically a very crisp pencil brush, or an actual pencil. So I guess medium hard?