20 / 38
Jan 2018

Have you ever gotten so into binging a tv series or playing a game that was just so good, you found yourself not getting much work done.

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    Jan '18
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    Jan '18
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That's my whole life in a nutshell.

In between binge watching Yu-Gi-Oh for the 50th time in my life, I also get swept up into playing League of Legends. Because of this, pages that shouldn't take more than a couple hours to finish end up taking me the whole day lol.

Definitely I've done a lot of my thumbnailing in front of my computer but not video games! My computer is too slow for that


I took an unexpected hiatus for like 2 weeks when Persona 5 came out...

I do this often. haha.

Some days I'll get really interested in watching videos from certain people on youtube, and thus cuts down on my comic/art time. Like I've had days in the past where I didn't feel like doing anything but watch Nostalgia Critic or Phelous vids. Luckily I've exhausted most of their libraries now (at least the series that most interest me).

Watching my older sister play Overwatch when she comes over, distracts me from literally everything. I don't watch much t.v., but a good podcast that puts me on edge can distract me pretty badly. :s

Whenever I get distracted by a videogame, show, or anything, I always come back with fresh ideas that I could implement in my comic - in other words, I pick my distractions carefully.

Since this year started, I have watched Westworld, Runaways, The Good Place, Legion and The End of The F*** World. I also finished Guacamelee Super Turbo Championsip Edition and Blackwell Unbound.

I have written two strips worth of script.


I feel doomed.

Yeah. I just finished playing the latest updates in swtor...after rerolling a sith Inquisitor to replay his class story again...now I'm thinking of playing Mass Effect again. I think I'm on a sci-fi kick these days. I'm trying to curb my habit by setting up a shedcule and a deadline for my comic.

All the time. I stopped putting interesting things in background when I draw, I mostly put stuff I've already seen

I don't know if this counts, been reading/watching juicy internet drama mostly more than working. Goddamnit why are strange people on the internet so darn fascinating.

Yep! This is why I don't play games anymore. I want to play the Witcher series and the new Assassins Creeds sooo badly but I know I'll loose months of drawing time if I do. Same with films. I went on horror film binge not long ago and now I'm stuck watching horror game walkthroughs. Curses!

takes deep breath


I like RPGs and Fighting games so I actually have to set a timer for myself if I'm playing them when I have deadlines whether it's a comic update or a school assignment. If I don't then my entire day may end up being stuck being a Phantom Thief or beating the crap out of juggos in Dead or Alive :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! I'm currently playing a game and watching 2 new animes that I haven't drawn any comic pages in 4 days.

I don't watch tv much other then News and anime.

I do love video games though i always make sure i finish my comic work first.

We work on I love my yandere neko girlfriend every day and switch between one of our other 7 comics each day.

So basically we work on two comics a day, do our other responsibilities and then game the rest of the time which is about 5 to 6 hours XD

Some months ago, I rediscovered yu-gi-oh! and got into a game in xbox (which I am not so proud to have been playing since it's not really good). This made me took a hiatus for 4 months.

I'm the worst.:sob:

Have you tried Duel Links on the app store? That's a pretty good Yu-Gi-Oh game.

Wish I could! But my phone is not good enough to run the app.

Every day of my life. Among my many other character flaws, procrastination reigns supreme.

I don't really play video games or watch TV/Shows but sometimes my little sister is next to me watching YouTube Kids shit and I get distracted just gawking at the horrible trash content.

Every time I find a good game, I watch the campaigns.
Like, say GTA V, where the campaigns are 12 hours long.
Needless to say, that's where my weekends are wasted, instead of writing something.
And then there's also the Steam issue. God, all the free games...
Now, if someone can gift me a PC, I'll be able to play all the free games I downloaded.
(I got Shadow Warrior Remastered when it was free...but I can't play it! Grr. Mac problems...)

does looking at Beatles help movie scene where George got his shirt ripped off by a dryer and also how the beatles are very attractive when they we're in their suits and tie counts as distraction , George is hot

I'm not as big into TV but video games for sure have a way of distracting me. Especially if I'm close to finishing one. It's so easy to think, "Well if I just go ahead and finish that game I'll be able to think focus completely on the comic!" That sort of thing happens from time to time, for me.

My comic distracts me from my video games and TV shows.

Hmmm.... Well, it used to be like that.

When I only made From The Sky there was a time where I had to apologise because I didn't update for a while... Purely because I was busy engrossing myself in the Ryu Ga Gotoku games. I threw myself right into it, and forgot my comic even existed...

Nowadays though I think I manage my time better. I've started implementing the same thing I used to do at school - setting a target for work to do before I allow myself to play games.

I mean right now I'm really into Ace Attorney 6 but I only play it after I've left my art desk satisfied. The same goes for the new comics I bought with my christmas gift cards. I've grown out of it I suppose.

Actually, a lot of media inspires me to draw.

For instance, the show Berserk actually got me into the whole medieval story thing, and when something really good looking is shown, it really inspires me to try to make something just as good.

(I don't remember if I ever commented here)
Yes, I play league of legends and sometimes neglect my comic like a baka

Biiig time haha, thank god for split screen I often find myself drawing on half of my monitor in photoshop with my tv shows or a playthrough of a game i want to play going on the other half

Well, Monster Hunter comes out this weekend. Best believe I won't be getting any work done!

See, I was pulled back into the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom, and I've been cracking up at the puns and shade thrown in the dub.
As this occurred, my comics lay sitting off to the side, wondering when I'm ever coming back.