64 / 69
Jul 2021

I'm excited too! That 80's style translated into modern era looks fantastic!
It's like western jojo's part 1 aesthetic

1 month later

Okay... So I have watched it with an open mind.
It all feels like a standard RPG game with great action but no skip button between battles.
Everyone in here could write that story.

Not sure what I pressed there. Whoops.

Anyways, my partner and I watched the first episode and I’m not sure if we were supposed to be laughing that much. :sweat_02:

It felt like they crammed a lot in there and stuff was happening at super speed. Maybe it was always like that? I don’t remember :see_no_evil: and we couldn’t remember most of the cast either.

It does that all the way. No time to tell a good story. Just some crammed stuff with lost opportunity between some nice-looking battles.
No characters getting established, it is so poorly written that it hurts.

But Mark Hamill is a treat and the animations are stunning

I gotta say the flame wars over this happened because an insider leaked what "Masters of the Universe" was really about to a youtuber.

Well. As we have seen so many times in Hollywood, it doesn't matter if it was leaked or not. Fact is that they take a pre made lore, hype it to the old fans and kill the hero or sideline him, and this time even in the first episode.
That's gonna upset the hyped nostalgia fans no matter if it eas leaked or not.

Like hyping a brand new Spiderman movie, showing only great spiderman action. But when you see the movie it is all about aunt May and her side of the story, and she hates Spiderman and we only see Peter Parker when he is home. All the stuff from trailer is from aunt May when she sees the news and she is shaking her head.

If you want to make an alternative story for a new audience. Then make your ovn worldbuilding with your own characters or advertise that this is not for the old fans.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of what they did, normally I wouldn't mind a story being told through the experience of another character but they weren't very upfront about it.

My boyfriend and I discovered the preview by scrolling through Netflix and had no clue that a new He-Man series was even a thing so we went in completely blind. The preview showed epic battle scenes with the song "I need a Hero" which gave us a good laugh and got us hyped like "Oh yeah we are watching this!" We enjoyed about half of the first episode but the episodes afterward made us enjoy it less and less with Teela's attitude being one of the reasons. As a woman, I'm all for stories with female empowerment but to me, it just didn't feel like it was done right. One of the films I watched recently was WolfWalkers which also had this female empowerment element to it and in my opinion, it felt more natural and I really enjoyed the film but in the new He-Man it just felt forced.

Don't want to ruin the disappointment party, but imho it's very clear from the trailer it wasn't gonna be He-Man's story. Sure, they showed him all powered up and put on the I need a Hero song, but other than that it's pretty obviously gonna be a series about those gals (if you turn off your inner hype). I do agree it wasn't fair of them to give old fans the hype that wasn't going to pay off though, but it looks like it's becoming a usual practice :pumpkin:

Oh no. :sweat_smile: Wondering if we should bother watching the rest now. Skeletor’s still in it after the first episode, right?

The use of Skeletor feels like they wanted to save some budget on Mark Hamill. But there are some flashbacks showing him and Given from the new toyline we will see him as Skeletor-God

In defense of the show and the new world and the consequence for the kingdom that happened in the first episode I must give the writer credit for Orko if you have to change the world and the characters like they did, then Orko was the one done right to fit the new Lore. He was given proper screentime and care to justify the change and his new storyline.

I don't think any 80s series can truly make a return in the current environment. I'll refrain from saying more, let's leave it at that.

One thing that seems lost from a lot of conversations is that they only released half of the first season (episodes 1-5). We still have 5 episodes to go (dropping sometime in October (most likely)). I'm going to hold off on any major opinions until then.

But a lot of the He-Man discourse just reminds me of Sam Raimi talking about the dangers of making the first Spider-Man movie- how "everyone has a Spider-Man movie in their head" already- so there's no way he can clear the bar of expectation for everyone. But whatever you thought of the first Spider-Man film (and where it ranked with your expectations), we still got a bunch more movies (each tackling a different aspect of the mythos). So with that glut of Spider-Man, hopefully one flick struck true for each fan. The same is true with Luke Skywalker- everyone who got upset over the Last Jedi will get the Luke they love in the coming year on Mandalorian (and we got a big taste of it last season). Love what you love, ignore what you don't (or let your passion drive you to make the type of story you so desperately crave).

Even after the final episodes of Revelations is dropped (6-10), there will be more He-Man. And one of the those iterations will be what you want (or close to it). Companies love their IP (and they love your love). All will be well.