Guys, Gen AI isn't skynet, that's giving it waaay too much credit for what it actually is.
They may call it AI, but it is anything but intelligent. There's no thought, no reason behind the calculations. All it is is an extensive list of labeled input and an algorithm that can make an aggregate output based on that. It doesn't understand what it's doing like how a human understands.
These things aren't suddenly going to "wake up" and decide to launch all the world's nukes. They're single use machines that can only perform their one task. Pretending otherwise plays into the marketing spiel of these techcompanies, who can then pretend they have something more on their hands than just a plagiarism machine.
Everything starts somewhere...a logical thinking powerful machine will definitely think the human species is awful.
But on more practical concerns it's that the technology always is ahead of the ethics and no one wants to slow down and think about them because it's a capitalist race. Like you're referring to, AI has the ability to plagiarise every piece of art produced before someone puts in the laws to protect creators.
Or not getting to heavily into social politics, but the prejudices that have been found in face recognition technologies obviously programmed in from the society its created in.
I can kinda accept it, if you need an idea and only use it for inspiration. It's still not good, because you detrain your brain to be crearive... But okay.
Other than that, no thanks! My little sis experiments with AI generated music and yes, she puts a ton of work in it to get the right outcome... Still, it sounds so lifeless, I don't like to listen to it.
But what makes me angry, is when people sell AI generated stuff on little art and crafts markets... Gosh I was so pissed, when I figured out, I bought AI stuff! I GO to such markets to SPECIFICALLY help artists and not to buy lifeless art!
Don't know if you people are aware of how AI art is actually created, for example, if the engine needs to draw a curve, it simply resorts to a mathematical function to do it, computers can't draw at all, all you see is a complex set of analytic functions trying to mimick a form. It's common to see fractals and repeated patterns in that type of "ART". It's nothing but an ilusion, it aint art at all.
Real art is all about randomness and manual strokes, and computers totaly suck at it.
Eeeh, I highly doubt it. It's not machines ruling over us that we should fear, rather the ones already in power using machines to make their control more absolute.
Why though? Why is it logical to think the human race is awful. There's nothing objective about it, even "logic" itself is not something that exists naturally in nature, it's a human invention. So a machine that would 'logically' conclude the human race is awful will do so based on the logic of the person or people that made it in the first place. And yeah, there are plenty people out there (including the most powerful amongst us) that think humanity is awful.
So again, it's not the machines that need to be feared, but the people that wield them against us.
Pretty much this.
The way I see it, the dystopia we are potentially barreling towards is not that of terminator, but a cyberpunk one.
I do confused when some people seem to put a ton of work prompt engineering the AI to produce a desired outcome. That kind of defeats the supposed "convenience" the AI is supposed to bring, no? No one's forcing you to produce the result using AI. At that point, it might be a better use of time to just learn the skill yourself
My hubby does a lot with AI and hangs out with a lot of professional graphic designers who use AI. The way they explained it to me that for good pictures, you're either spending thousands for the models and photographers, spending hours searching for the right elements online, or you're spending hours drawing to get the elements you need for the final project. AI lets them take like ten minutes to generate a dozen reference images they can harvest for the final piece.
And with AI music, it doesn't really bother me. Musicians sample other musicians all the time and even big name composers are composing masterpieces on an IPad. If AI can help songwriters get more songs out so they can sell them to record labels, why not?
I saw some ad for some AI app on YouTube and the examples it gave were literally just Anne Hathaway from The Princess Diaries. The app was trying to claim they generated it but it was obviously just stolen.
I often wonder if some AI images are mostly just putting a filter over an image instead of making something new.
It's definitely not a search engine. Search engines... search. What gen AI does is construct text, images or sound by pulling from a large database/training set.
If I use a search engine to find out something about a specific historical event, ideally, that search engine will provide me with a number of websites/webpages dealing with that topic. It literally searches the web and finds them.
Gen AI on the other hand would not go and search the web, it would "hallucinate" you an answer. Now could it be that there is factual information in there. Sure, but because of how GenAI works, there's no guarantee that what it tells you is even actually true. That's because it doesn't search the web and deliver you websites based on your ask, no, it tries to construct it's own answer based on your input.
Hard disagree. It is trying to solve a problem no one has, and using an enormous amount of resources, both economic and natural, to do so. Millions and billions of dollars are being wasted on this nonsense, it's putting people out of a job and effectively making us dumber in the process. All the while being sold as the next Industrial Revolution. So no, I think the hate for it, and the people pushing it, is wholly justified.
Except it's not just regurgitated information. It chops up the information it's been fed and trained on and recombines it into content slop. The output is unreliable and more often than not becomes misinformation.
Yeah, and those musicians are compensated for it when samples are used. That doesn't happen with ai. Kinda a problem wouldn't you agree? Especially if it gets sold in turn.