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Aug 2019

Do we have this feature? If we don't, why don't we have it?

I think we should be able to hide certain chapters or even our entire story.

This is useful for:

  • A project that is in editing/reworking phase and the creators don't want their readers to see the mess.
  • When the creator doesn't want their work to be visisble for a certain time, but will revisit it later.
  • So people can think twice before deleting their own work, by putting it on hidden first and think about it

TL;DR: Please allow me to hide chapter/story, I need it.

Thank you!

  • created

    Aug '19
  • last reply

    Aug '19
  • 9


  • 1.2k


  • 6


  • 18


Can we also have functions to rearrange episodes? I mean I have tons scheduled but when I try to add something in between, I had to remove the future episode and add that new addition before scheduling it back... :sweat_smile:

I need this as well, but also give me a way to give a link to people I want to let see it for review--like the same way we have google docs that are secret, but we can share the link for.

I mean, yeah, I could also use a google doc for that but I don't want to.

Yes! I love A03 for the fact that you can “save without posting”. I also love that you can actually use mobile to draft new chapters. It would be amazing if Tapas had this feature.

To play devil’s advocate, I’m sort of glad there isn’t a feature where it’s easy to save chapters and not post them on Tapas. Having those features would make it more tempting to write directly on the Tapas website, and then I wouldn’t have my Google Docs version. If something were to happen on Tapas, there goes the one and only copy of your work...

Change the date on the scheduled release.
ie ch4 is scheduled for sept 4th, and ch3 is scheduled for sept 9th. just click the date and change it to something before sept 4th (either by date, or the clock) and it'll automatically rearrange. :heart_eyes:

So far as I know though, that's not the same once something's been published

iirc Ao3's save feature only works for a small amount of time, like 30 or 60 days before the piece is deleted. Or it's deleted during a yearly purge. They don't stay safe in hidden purgatory forever, so far as I recall, at least.

I know about this, but the problem is I wanted to add it between episodes that were already scheduled :joy::joy:

Luckily the episode before it still have limits left so I just combined it. It became way longer, but there was no other way :sweat_smile:

If it's still in the "scheduled" realm and not released, you should be able to add before it :thinking:

Well, the series have 6 episode published and 14 episode on schedule. Because I recently got an editor, it was currently under editing, I have been updating the already published episode. But on episode 3 (or was it 4) the edit made it longer so I wanted to split it up into episode 3.1 and 3.2. Of course, that failed big time 🤣

In the end, I just combined it then put the series on hold until the edits caught up to it. But a 2k words episode between the 800-1k episode looks really weird to me :sweat_smile: