The difference between them and you is that I know in your case these threads are a tool to procrastination and time wasting on your part. I've seen your numerous threads, if you spent that time drawing and learning you would be so much further ahead in your comic. The best and only advice you need right now given context is "you need to just go and draw."
The ressources given to you aren't on faces, true, but at this point you know how to Google, you have names of artists who give good advice on the internet, you should not have to be spoon-fed ressources. The people who gave you those ressources found them on their own. They're not hard to find, this is the internet.
Also, those ressources do help for faces. You've been given multiple videos about using shape language, sketching, anatomy, etc... Just in the past week. All of that is stuff you can use to work on your faces.
Don't know how to use shape language? Watch the videos again and try sketching some stuff while trying to use it. That's how everyone else learned.
Don't know how to sketch efficiently? Watch the videos again and try applying their tips and see how that works.
You are having trouble applying tips because you lack experience, but instead of sticking at it you assume that people telling you more tips is suddently going to make them magically work. It won't. You not only have to learn the tips you have to learn to apply them.
There is no other way to learn to apply them than spending hours upon hours trying to apply them until they become natural to you. No shortcuts. No secrets. Just work.
Searching for workarounds is a fruitless endevour and you've wasted not only your own time but other people's who've tried to help you out and everyone is loosing patience.
Please, for the love of all that is sacred and sullied in the world, just go and draw and TRY instead of falling before the first hurdle even comes into view.