47 / 50
Oct 2024

Something with the contest I think messed up a lot was this in the rules pages

I feel like those words give writers the excuse to slide into the DMs of other writers. I understand what Bree was trying to say, and it's a really valid point, but don’t feel bad for speaking up or voicing your concerns. I was literally blocked from the Discord after I spoke up about how other writers were treating smaller creators trying to make it. It left a bad taste in my mouth about the company, but also it did not make me quit writing my story or the contest since I already have readers looking up for the updates, and if I need to keep doing it, I will. It's just that a lot of things are not helping right now.

Hey I'd love that to be messged privatly for me to subscribe it could be both ways they subbed and haven't gotten a sub back in return. I do that to especially when I'm a fan of a creator's work when they say they sub back if you sub me then they don't. Also when they subscribe to your work and you don't sub back they may message you to sub. As long as they are not spamming or just taking your sub then don't sub back. It works if they will stick around while subscribing to your work.

I was literally blocked from the Discord after I spoke up about how other writers were treating smaller creators trying to make it.

Oh yikes, that sounds awful! It does feel a bit high school popularity contest, doesn't it? I'm sorry that happened to you.

I'm making myself get more comfortable with social media and self-promotion, because that's the world we live in, but it doesn't mean I have to like that that's the world we live in lol.

I hope your novel does well, and I'm glad the experience didn't make you give up, though I totally understand it souring you on the company.

On the Tapas Discord? I don't recall any official action by the mods against an account for an instance like this. If you would like to message me about this, my DMs are open here and on Discord.

I feel the pressure. I'd rather they just said hi and didn't tell me they liked it so that I would subscribe. You don't have to 'like' something to like it. It's just a button if they don't even read it.

I'm sorry, but that is not what happened in the discord. A very civil conversation about sub4sub culture was happening, mostly BY small creators about the people with huge sub4sub numbers, and you came out an accused me, personally, of a lot of untrue things and incredible rude and hurtful words were tossed around to people trying to defend me. But that's not for here.

Normally I would ignore and not speak up, but as I am the person you came after in that conversation, I fear for false information about me to spread, and about others in that conversation who came to my aid. Please keep the drama between the people involved. There is NO need to involve the people from outside the situation.

Thank you

That's okay. I don't feel the need to keep the drama alive, and would rather it be forgotten as it was a pretty unpleasant situation. I just needed it to be known that the story had two sides.

Thanks. And I agree. Let's get back to the topic :slight_smile:

with the matter of people dming to promote i think it ends up in similar camp as sub for sub. I personally haven't been active enough on Tapas to get these kinds of messages in a long while but as was mentioned its a big reason why vets of the site did their best to explain some of the nuances of self promo and recommend methods that wouldnt risk potentially having them viewed in a negative light in the same way sub4sub practices get a bad rep (even tho reasons are given as to why its not always productive)

i dont think anyone wants another creator to fail but its why we strongly encourage folks to find non intrusive methods to promote their work. i think the few instances i genuinely didnt mind having someone dm their series was because it was similar to other series i was already subbed to and actively interested in or because we had already interacted and built a good rapport

otherwise it was a "sorry thanks but no thanks" and maybe some suggestions of other places that would maybe serve them better for promoting their work or just "swiping left" and moving on with my day, especially if they were coming in high volumes. it's something thats gone on for ages so ive kind of gotten over making a fuss about so if it does cross my path i have my methods for responding but its just something that comes with the territory (especially when there's times you see the same with just general social media) 🤷‍♂️

If we're being honest here, DMs are a totally ineffective way to get subs/likes. I mean, think about it: you're taking the time to send a message that will be seen by one person, when you could be posting in the forums or on social media, where it will be seen by multiple people. One for one is not a good marketing ratio.

1 month later

I get these messages every now and again, with significantly higher frequency after voting opened for the Tapas Action Fantasy contest.

Some background: I try and thank everyone who is kind enough to sub to "Of Lowlifes, Lutes, & Liars" with a "thank you" message on their account boards. You meet some of the nicest people I've seen that way, and it can go a long way to remind yourself that your hard work is getting out there and being seen. :coffee_love:

While I'm there leaving a message, there are a few authors' names I'm seeing repeatedly on boards and inboxes on Tapas that are grinding for subs and votes. As a fellow entrant, it's super disheartening to discover that competitors can edge out stories like mine through attrition in this fashion.

To be fair, I'm not above asking for a vote in my updates, or sharing a link to the Tapas voting page, but... It's every. single. board. For DAYS on end with these messages. I don't know how these folks have the bandwidth to spam that hard and DM (I've gotten duplicate messages from repeat posters asking for votes). Not gonna lie, it's taken the wind outta my sails today. :cry_02:

Don't be too sad. People who legitimately like your story will vote for it. And, if there is a God in heaven, people who spam for votes will do just the opposite - they will turn people off.

We each only get three votes for the tourney. I did not waste mine on a spammer, and I'm sure most people feel that way.

Oh, and as a reminder to everybody! VOTE! (this is not spam, I have no entries and have no irons in this fire). Reward your favourite stories by voting for them!

Yeah beginning here I thought it was an effective tactic to getpeople to read my story, and I guess it is at first and is good to get over the initial sub goals, but after that I feel guilty about not actually liking the stories and still being subbed to them, it’s not really honest (no offense some story’s are just not for me and are made for others :slight_smile:). So now I only offer sub4sub to those I will actually read. I also don’t hold anyone to subbing back, I make that clear in my sub4sub messages now just to keep it all as honest as possible. :wink: