11 / 16
Feb 27

I'm curious to know how you earn on tapas. I've heard that when you get to a 100 subs you can start making money or is there a fee you need to pay when you hit 100 subs before you are entitled to start earning money. And what else is required after getting 100 subs.
I'm currently at 45 subs and if you want to help me get to 100 that's great but you don't have to cause that's not my priority now

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After reaching 100 subscribers, you can enable ad revenue without paying any fees.

You just need to activate it on the milestone panel in the Dashboard page.

However, it's really difficult to earn money this way. I haven't made a single cent yet, even though I activated it back in January.

How do you earn on tapas

You don't. Our comics are only being hosted to provide eyeballs for the ads and drive traffic to the comics they own..

So why do people upload on tapas if you're not gaining anything

This place has a lot to offer to help share your stories. I've been around and not a lot of Comic/novel sites have forums like this, at least not ones so easy to find..
You actually can earn, but it won't be a lot unless you consistently get a lot of views. From what I've read, its 25K views for 25 dollars(correct me if I'm wrong)
But Tapas also has the tools to help you advertise other monetary options. You have an ad banner which you could use to sell your patreon or the novelization of your book.
Stuff like that.

Because it's easier than learning how to code a website, cheaper than paying for a web domain, and gets more visibility than just having a random website of your own off in the corner?
Also... Making comics is fun and even traditional publishing doesn't get you much money anyway so no one successful goes into comics for the money.
Also, though there's not much money to be had, there's more than I've seen competitors get. I've got around 50 bucks on here, nothing from webtoon despite better numbers.

Off the top of my head;

  1. The internet is run on phone apps and social media now and a personal website is useless for anything beyond vanity.
  2. Name recognition is 90% of the draw.
  3. You won't be earning any money everywhere else as well so one site is as good as any other. Pick the easiest place to wallow in obscurity. And Tapas under the hood is as idiot proof as I've seen.

You can, but need the audience. It takes time for both comics and novels creators to grow their brand. Very rarely does someone start strong right out of the gates, who are usually creators coming from other platforms with a following already, or an art style that attracts staff for staff picks.

Several people didn't catch their big break 3-5 years of trying.

Even if youre not aiming to reach big, its still possible to earn some gas money, at least.

Sounds about right, but note that it has to be in 1 month!

Wow, you're the first person to get more than peanuts I've seen on these forums! I've received some money on Patreon but not much here, at least not yet.

And that also depends if readers have ad-blocking or not reading all the way through to see the ads.

it's totally possible to have 1k views and made 0$ in ad rev lol

It's almost all from 2023's inksgiving event where people went bonkers on the donos. For adsense I haven't checked in a while but it can't be more than 0.15USD lol. There wasn't an inksgiving last year so even if I was active I would have stayed around that mark.

If I were to count up all income from Petrichor (not counting prints or merch or stuff that's related but isn't necessarily people buying for the story, so just the book alone and online stuff like Patreon and tapas) I'm probably at around 3000€ total by now, which is nothing to sneeze at but not livable money for 4 years of work by any stretch of the imagination.

How many more "Ad impressions this month" will I need for my "Ad revenue this month" to become 0.01? :cry:

I dunno, it seems to change every month. By my estimate you should've had 0.01 this month. I have 1200 ad views and earned 0.06.

Thanks for the explanation! I haven't had any inksgivings or anything.

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