5 / 5
Oct 2023

I need someone to talk about this to. Disney plans on selling its TV assets (FX, ABC, etc.) to avoid monopoly to make this happen. I... okay... on one hand, Apple won't own those TV companies and they could look for new people to buy them out (FX specifically... arguably their best channel). I could see programming quality improving? Especially around the Marvel area? Apple + has had some hard hitters recently and they seem to be the platform (that I KNOW of) that isn't screwing over its creators.

ON THE OTHER... it's Apple. More evil than the Devil. Soooo like... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Mickey Mouse is symbolic for the wrong side of the United States.... now he'll be the face of one of our worst tech companies.

I do think it's funny though that Apple ended up rebuying Pixar. I feel like they might do something with that by making Pixar a brand again (get the Snoopy writers).......


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    Aug '23
  • last reply

    Oct '23
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Didn't Disney and Apple already have a partnership. Steve Jobs help found Pixar and him developing Apple computers is more or less how Pixar was successful as a company.

From the article, it's seems like they are mostly selling off their TV networks. Seeing how TV is sort of dying, I don't blame them. Bob Iger is also not someone who really cares about developing new properties, just recycling the same drivel over and over again. I guess to him, why invest in an original TV network show when instead you can make 100 spin offs to Star Wars for streaming.

I also wish Disney would split their company in half. One being the entertainment division and the other the Parks. People say Tokyo Disneyland has the best park but it's also not owned by Disney.

just sounds like the umpteenth case of big players passing around money and property as always. I'd be more interested in news about these monopolies finally being split with legal proceedings or something since at one point I'm pretty sure things like this were illegal

As for hope or interest in content made by these folks I've stopped caring ages ago. Maybe a disney animated film caught my eye once or twice but I'm all but burnt out with hero movies (save for maybe the spiderverse films but those have a different charm) and i pay like zero attention to stuff on streaming platforms unless the teams include folks i know of or properties/characters/stories that i've heard of and have genuine interest in which the last one i recall was like bee and puppycat

but all these mergers and buyouts are nothing more than a pain in the ass to hear about these days and i wish it'd stop

I smell trouble brewing up. Disney and Apple sounds like it would make it worse.

1 month later

To be honest, I think it's the best thing that can happen to Disney right now. Apple may not be perfect, but it is the lesser of the two evils. At times like this, I separate the art from the artist. If Apple can make Disney and Pixar movies beautiful again, I can tolerate the buyout. If anything, I'm for it. Disney has ruined its own media and locked up Marvel in child friendly hell.