15 / 45
Sep 2022

Hmm I mostly don't care unless the unsub is from someone that commented often XD comments humanize readers for me, whereas fluctuating subs are well, just numbers (?) I'm okay with the unsubs anyhow cause I do it as well, though it can be frustrating when trying to reach one of Tapas's milestones, I think that's the only thing that would actually bother me XD but weeell, aside from that, it's better that people interested on your story stick around.

haha yeah the first thing I always check is if the ones who commented are still there, cause that rly would bum me out if they unsubbed D= and ya atm I do try to get the milestone 100 XD

I predict that my story isn't going to be a "everyone will love it" type of story, and people can unsubscribe for reasons that are totally not personal. Pacing, notification annoyance, even accidentally subbing. So, I'd be happy if someone subs, but if someone unsubs I'll be pretty neutral about it.

my first reaction is always "oh no I lost ooooneeeee", but then I don't really care that much, is just a number, right? But when I was losing a lot, like 3~6 at a time, I was kinda sad, I asked myself a lot what I was doing wrong and it shaken me a little at the time, so I undestand how it can affect your self esteem sometimes. But the thing is, you have to focus on those who are reading and commenting on your work currently, those who unsub probably aren't them. I think that with time you'll get neutral about it, maybe after some milestones idk. I know I was much more into it when I started, now after 2.5 years I just make some drama about it and then let it go xD

It is what it is, you don't make the series to please everyone even though I care if people enjoy my story. I honestly made it to escape myself and vent feelings into a story to be honest

depends on if I was already previously upset
cause I remember one time like early last year I was just having a bad time and I lost 3 subs in one day and that didn't feel nice.
got over it real fast though.

like if you unsub you probably aren't reading it, or you don't like it
so I didn't really lose anything, and I'm not gonna hold you hostage
you always get new readers who actually like your story

my pattern with subs has always been -1 +2 so not much to cry about

It's kinda sad, but I'm of the idea that, if that person unsubbed, they most likely wouldn't have read my story anyway. I mean, having ghost subs is like not having subs, so at that point they might as well unsub.

I feel sad whenever I see that a reader has unsubscribed. I've been on Tapas for about a year and I still can't get used to the loss. It’s disappointing, and leaves me questioning if I'm doing something wrong or if my story isn't good enough.
No matter the reason, it hurts but I try not to let it get me down so much. The worst blow is when they actively like and comment for a while and then suddenly unsub after an update and never come back.

I feel nothing because I don't look at sub numbers.

and because chapters vary in length which means an erratic upload schedule I fully expect someone to unsub thinking I'm dead. whatever reasons they have doesn't affect me.

the only thing I look at, is view numbers.

Augh. I'm currently in "100 Subscribers" Iimbo, where I HAD 100 for a week or two, and then it dropped back to 98, and now it's back up to 101, and I don't want to confidently say I 'definitely' have 100 subscribers until it hits at least 102 (I typically get 2 unsubs at a time).

I'm always a little sad when I get unsubs, but only for a moment, because again, like a lot of folks in this thread, I don't really want someone who doesn't read/like my story to feel obligated to stay subbed.

...just wish my subs would pick back up. It's been a painfully slow trickle for months.

0 f's given. lol

Especially if it was someone only subbing "just because", but either way, I do what I can and the results are what they are.

It stings to see that I've lost a subscriber, but the people who unsubscribe never actually interact with my work at all. If it was someone who I regularly saw liking and commenting on my work I might be a bit sad and assume that I did something "wrong". But if I can't even tell who I lost? It's no big deal.

Typically when someone unsubscribes:
-Its a non-creator with a very large library who likely subbed to "bookmark" my comic for later. Eventually they either realize my work isn't for them, or they never bother to actually read it and get tired of it popping up in their notifications.

-Its another creator who hoped I would sub back and they realized I'm probably not going to. (It's been said many times over, but empty subs are VERY bad for your metrics in the long term. Sub4Sub is a great way to get a lot of these. It's tempting to go for it, and I certainly fell for a lot of Sub4Sub stuff as well. However, its MUCH better for both your numbers and your self esteem to have a small group of people who actually look at your work and like/comment on it.)

So at the end of the day, it sucks to see "important number go down" but it's better for my metrics and I didn't actually lose anything.

It sucks they should stop unsubbing. It's annying enough when trying to reach 100 subscribers alone. Plz anyone don't unscribe. It hurts creators badly and emotionally. Becides how would they like it if we unsub them.

It happens regularly, but I'm to a point where I can't even keep track of my sub count so I don't notice unless I happen to look at the change right after seeing the numbers before. Doesn't bother me, it happens. When the main themes of my comic started coming through I lost tons of subs, them being folks who though my comic would be something else, but they weren't my target audience so it wasn't really a loss. Actually "They just weren't my target audience" is a pretty good way to look at things, if they don't want to read it then it wasn't meant for them.

I understand it makes some people upset but I personally don't care. I can't force people to read my work nor am I going to be upset if they change their minds. I also don't ever unsub (no real reason to do that, for me) unless someone does something really awful. (Which has only happened once out of all the stories I've read!)

I also recently remade my Tapas account due to personal reasons. That means I'm having to go back and resub to stories I was reading. People have been understanding though. :joy:

Yeah I think its more the Milestone one as you seem also a bit restricted if you are under 100 subscribers with adding your things to support for example. I think that pops up after 100 if I am not mistaken?
But like most of you said in the long run the real dedicated fans matter that rly read your stuff and like it/comment on it and give you the energy to keep going even on bad days =) I will also try to not take it too much to heart anymore when someone unsubs. ^^

I will never blame people for unsubbing, and I'm a chronic unsubber myself, but the annoying thing is that doesn't change the fact that monkey brain sad when number go down :'D Feeling don't care about your facts!

I try not to, but the number is right under your title and sometimes it sneaks into your peripheral vision despite your best efforts >:c

Same :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on the site.

On Wattpad, most of my subscribers don't read my stories (for the past few years, the view count only changes when I edit), so I'm pretty sure they're bots. If one of those happens to drop off, I don't care.

On Tapas, it depends. There was one subscriber early on who seemed to want me to read and subscribe to their series, but it didn't interest me. ^^; They unsubbed pretty quickly. I think most of my other subs here subscribed to my story as a possible bookmark for later and aren't actually reading it, so if they eventually do and find out that it's not their style, that's understandable.

The other site I post to, Royal Road, there's no way for me to check the accounts of the people who are following me. Ironically, that makes those followers feel more real. There's no possibility that they're following just to get me to check out their own work. It's also harder for me to get followers there. So, when one of those followers unfollows, like what happened a few days ago, that actually makes me a little self-conscious about what I did wrong.