Runewriters3 takes 10-15 hours per page, depending on what's going on in the page! ITS A LABOUR OF LOVE. Back when I did TNH, my old journal comic, a page consistently took 5 hours to make, from rough idea to finished comic.
In the thread from a few months ago2, it seemed like 6-10 hours per page is a lot more common than people realised!
It really depends on the page. Sometimes there is just one panel that will take me forever. Or more like, I will always put off working on it because I need "to be in the right mind set" and prepared to tackle something a little more complicated, and then I keep procrastinating. So it can even take me a couple of days. But usually I'd say around 3 or 4 hours. I only do black&white with screen tones though.
A few hours from start to finish. If I colored Life of an Aspie3, it would probably take me all day.
When I took a class, ages ago when I was very young -- it was what got me into comics and sequential art in general -- we were studying the book How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. The original one, the good one. Our instructor, named Anthony Spallini I want to say (whatever happened to him? I hope he had a good life), told us that a panel might take upwards of an hour to complete. In those days, it really did usually take an hour.
I don't do color comics, so let me just say that before I get into my time figures, but nowadays we of course have great things like Manga Studio/Clip Studio Paint to make comic production much, much easier and more streamlined. These days, it takes a couple of hours at most for me to finish the visuals of a page, most of the time, unless it's an especially complicated page. There are so many brushes and tools and tones that can take care of something in less than 30 seconds what used to take the better part of an hour! And every day, I'm happier that I made the leap from traditional with digital finishing to fully digital.
Dialogue actually takes me a while usually, because I want it to sound organic and come from an organic place. I usually will do all the visuals of a chapter and then go back and write the dialogue all at once, so that it sounds natural and is consistent. But that's different to how some people work, and many enjoy having a script from the start. I just can't work like that if I'm doing something I want to have passion about, though.
Depends on the content of the page - more panels with more people+complicated environments mean more time, fewer panels with less complicated stuff means less time, but once I'm past the thumbnails, it breaks down something like this for Grassblades3:
Sketch - 1-2 hours
Ink - 1-2.5 hours
Colours - 2-4 hours.
So, a page takes me somewhere between 4 and 8 hours to complete, sketch to finish. Grassblades is full colour, and I hand-draw everything except for the dialogue-lettering. Black and white pages take a little less time, usually, so somewhere between 3-5.
30 minutes for a page but if its a single panel for a page I can do it under 5-10 minutes
I make at least 15 pages in three days cuz of my studies then I finish inking within 3 days to make an episode/chapter a week for my comic2
I estimated that it takes me about 6-8 hours to make a page for Cosmos Song2. The Longer pages I make on Tuesdays generally take 8+ hours, this includes the coloring part as well.
Let's see.. Drawing one page of Numb2 takes about 1-2 hours. Then colouring adds 3-5 hours since I do it with watercolour. Then there's the scanning and texting which is maybe 1 hour. So it's about 8 hours roughly. It's a bit hard to tell since I usually draw beforehand some 20 or 30 pages and then start to colour them and then draw again.
For Little Tales1 on the other hand I think one page is about 1-2 hours. No colours on that one.
Well, in our case, we can make like 5 pages a day if we focus, since we're two people and all. One will be doing the lineart while the other one is colouring, sometimes panel by panel. However, the result doesn't really meet our quality standards, so we tend to take our sweet time, so it goes from one to three days, depending on the schedule. We do all our panel arrangement, speech bubbles, text, sound effects, colouring, shading, and backgrounds by hand like the lineart, so it's a lot of work in the end. It depends on the page how long each section takes, but in total, I think it's the lineart that takes the most time.
Sadly, a lot of times other stuff comes first, like school, so the process tends to drag on even more. =3=;
It depends on the page size and the drawing style.
My main project Squidology takes the most time. The process up until I have a finished lineart drawing usually take from 6 to 8 hours. Then the coloring can take just as much time. Sometimes even more. These are in A3 size.
Another series I have called Tether only have one simple drawing on each page. These pages are A4 sized and usually takes from 1,5 to 2,5 hours. Another project I'm working on now have A3 sized pages, but are drawn in a cleaner style than I usually do. No hatching, but with a lot of heavy shading. In this project I can do sketching, lineart and colors in 8 hours if I work focused and effective.
But it usually look like this when I have the time to focus on it. I work freelance, so when I don't have a paid project to work on I pretty much draw comics from I wake up until I go to bed.
I always forget to time myself even when I try to. :'D And I usually work on multiple pages at the same time now so that makes it even harder too.
But I think it takes me around 10 - 15 hours to complete a page depending on how many panels etc. I know I've gotten faster lately but I have no idea how much... But yeah, I'd really like to be able to trim my production time down to 10 hours which I think can be done even if I do have quite detailed full color comic. It's just a matter of getting more used to drawing it and learning better working methods.
On a good week some time ago when I also didn't have much any other obligations, I was able to draw 3.5 pages and a bunch of thumbnails so I know I can work faster than I usually do. xD
Depending on the page, it varies between 4-6 work days, and that is excluding preproduction. I like to spend about 2 days penciling and that sometimes includes a little reference searching. I typically complete inking in one day and marker rendering takes 2 days. I wish I could go faster but you can't have high quality done too quickly. I'm actually in the process of recording the inking and coloring portion of a page for Whetstone1 right now. But that won't be released for a couple weeks.