35 / 35
Dec 2018

Demon's Can't be pretty looks pretty good. I read the first chapter a while ago but haven't read it since!

Fun tip: If you have android install google rewards. They reward you real $$ ($0.10-$1.00+) to spend in the google play store. It takes time to make $$ but I made about $20 and I used mine to buy Woman's Best Friend! The money you make from the rewards can be used to buy tapas coins! :laughing:

Yes, My Boss is on my reading list too! I want to wait until it's completed or goes on sale before I buy an episode! (in reality I mean I just spent a chunk of my google play rewards $$ and need to replenish before I buy more coins!)

This so much, people would abuse an exchange policy so much since it would require no effort to just press a button or send an email to request one (unlike the exchange policies for physical things where you would need to ship the product back or walk to the store yourself and personally explain why you no longer want the product.)

There's a reason exchange policies don't exist for most digital products. You don't see exchange policies for digital music either.

The risk that you may not like it is something you take everytime you pay for entertainment, whether it be a movie at the cinema, a book, a comic or a videogame. Refunds or exchanges in the case of entertainment and most consumables are something you can only demand if there is a huge gap between what a product claimed to be vs what it turned out to be (say the free episodes are all heavy detail full color, and then the paid ones are suddenly stick men shouting "No don't touch [Love interest], she is mine forever and ever!"), or if the product was just not properly delivered to you (for example you paid for an episode, unlocked it and got nothing or a broken episode).

I've bought too many to count them all here. Haven't really been disappointed either. If I'm unsure if I like a series I just buy a few individual episodes. Aside of that, I know the money goes to a creator, so even if I'm not 100% excited about it, I don't mind paying. It's so cheap!

Personally I have bought a few here and there with free coins and probably will start buying coins for comics soon (since I don't get ads now that I got an android). Most of the time when I look at premium comics it's for study purposes but recently I've had more time to actually read other people's comics.

I see your point! I was kinda thinking the audible route but people do undercut artists a lot.

I've only bought and read They say I was born a King's Daughter so far. The other series don't interest me.

I have a fat reading list of free materials through which I want to read first. I have been spending coins recently on individual chapters of the comic Backcourt, maybe one every couple of weeks. Most of my coins (or soon ink) is being saved for the next tipping event.


Tapas premium series just don't seem to be aimed at me at all (at least what I can tell from the summaries and reading through the free episodes) so I have yet to actually find one that I would be interested in investing in.

My coins pretty much go to tipping at this point cause there's just a lot more free series that I'm really liking.

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love buying comics to read, even when they are digital. I have spent stupid amounts of money on both manga and comics. I just... the series they have here all are just not appealing to me at all.

Just one: Traceless Knight

Worth every penny so far :ok_hand:

I've been pouring all my coinage (or I guess inkage) into The Witch's Throne XD It's so great.

But just last week, I bought Suicide Prevention Committee in it's entirety, and I think it's the only completed Tapas comic I "own". Oh, and the first season of Villains!

not many is aimed to me tbh. Thematically a lot of the Premium comics seem to be the same?

But currently chipping away at They Say I was Born a King's Daughter, Black Behemoth, and Pan Peter with the few coins i have.

i definitely hope to buy the whole thing when and if it's completely finished : P
currently eyeing The Curious Case of The Ringling Brothers too.

I really hope so too ;_;

i've been paying for love deficiency, they say i was born a kings daughter and born sexy tomorrow, theyre the only ones that consistently held my interest

I've tried a few episodes but aside from Traceless Knights, most of the premium comics don't seem like my type.

Besides, I like amateur comics a lot more generally! Something about seeing people put their heart and soul into a wild fantasy (and they really are wild) and then share it is just really amazing and I want to support that with tips and the like.

I think @STAFF needs to reach out to some of the creators of awesome webtoons (on the actual line WEBTOON APP) because there are very few comics here I'd actually read. I just discovered I Wish for a Boyfriend and I LOVE IT! It's so funny! But so far I only have 4 or 5 I'd actually spend coins on (but probably not really).

I'm one of those people. It is tough and I have quit more than once. Now I'm taking a break to really develop my story. I can't wait to get tipping added to my account though!

I have bought some episodes of "Born Sexy Temorrow", "Helena Wyktoria", "Body for rent", "Extreme dog owner" and "They Say I was Born a King's Daughter". I'm too broken to buy coins with real money, so I only use the free coins, but I don't get ads often, that's why I try to buy when there is a discount. Also, sometimes I prefer to give my coins to small creators :stuck_out_tongue:

1 month later

I've waited for free for the most of episodes of "Suicide prevention committee", "Dead Flowers", "Villains" and "Crimson Tracks", but also have bought the several episodes of each of those series, too.

  • I've liked the idea and appreciated the unusual style of "Suicide prevention committee", but the ending somewhat disappointed me.
  • "Dead flowers" also gave me conflicting impressions, but I haven't read it completely yet, so can't tell for sure.
  • "Villains" totally worth ink in my opinion. I appreciate the fresh sight on superhero setting which was revealed here. Unlike usual superhero series, there are no black and white here, but something more complicated and interesting. I'd like to see the second season.
  • "Crimson Tracks" are interesting, too. The idea of the person who can turn back the time is totally not new. But I like to see how the characters from this series deal with their problems and react to different situations, because they look alive and well-written. So I wonder what will happen with them.

Totally agree here! I've myself spent much more ink on tips for amateur creators than on buying premium content.
The amateur comics and novels are really much more diverse than premium ones. And it is cool to see how every amateur author tells their own story in their own authentic style, putting the part of themselves in it. Unfortunately, many (not all, but many) of professional comics are oriented on fulfilling typical requests of public, instead on revealing their author's world view, which make them less original, diverse and fun. :pensive:
Also I think the amateur authors need support more than professionals, who are already recognized. :slight_smile: