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Sep 2014

Was not sure where to post this, but is there a means of contact on the tapastic team to report users who are just out there to simply post rude comments on people's comics? Also to note the user in question states he is 14 on his profile page yet viewing NSFW material unless there is no rules on holding an underage user back wink


Edit: user has deleted the post though heres a screen grab

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Well, while I do agree that the commenter is being rude I do understand why a 14 year old would be disturbed by furry porn. (I would be little worried if not...)

If this matter was simply one time from this person I would say it's a draw. He got scared and you got flinched. Reporting him wouldn't serve any purpose but giving extra burden to the admins. And I think it's enough that he removed his rudeness.

If he doesn't harass you more than this one occasion which he would seem to regret, I would recommend to let it slide. He realised himself he had crossed a line.

Though I would see a point to make it harder for users who are too young to witness porn to gain access to it.

I don't know if it's possible to customise those NSFW labels to specify what kind of things are going on in the comic?

oh well there was another comment by him before but before I could screen capture it he deleted it wink I guess he knew posting distasteful comments could potentially get him in to trouble though I did respond to him asking why he was viewing NSFW content in the first place and labelling in your profile you are 14 does not favour him on his defence wink

As for labelling I think it works on the whole series than just individual pages I think, which makes sense its there are erotic moments as well as story wink

haha that's the same guy that tried to 'spook' me by posting some icelandic mumbo jumbo on my comic.

Although it is an awfully rude comment [and one that shouldn't be taken to heart since it isnt valid criticism] I am more concerned that he was able to view the content so easily for being underage.

haha oh I didnt take to heart, I actually said thanks for the comment as well as pointing out to him he was underaged looking at NSFW material wink bless

Though I guess tapastic does not need report buttons on comments, we(the creators) should deal with it smile

That's the best call the action really. I've had similar comments on my work off of tapastic. Just thanking them and moving on keeps the drama low.

well from what I've heard some of the staff do go around and check comments to make sure no one is acting out of hand. ^^ so we aren't left alone.

I'm actually working really closely with a handful of artists to figure out what the best method of moderation should be.

Originally, I had no problem in the early days monitoring all the content and all the comments, but alas... there's about ten new series added to Tapastic on a daily basis and over one hundred episodes and around a thousand comments. Haha, suffice to say, I am not prepared to handle this influx of content/engagement on my own.

So I guess this is the perfect place to start the discussion of what we should do about it?

Sorry to hear that Marchen, really really sorry that you've gotten that on Tapastic. I'll look into it.

I think first things first, that I want Tapastic to feel safe for all our creators. I guess flagging comments is a good start - maybe it can be something only creators can do on their own series' comments section. This can be in addition to the creators being able to delete the comments themselves. Multiple flags for certain commentors can trigger actions such as suspending their ability to comment for a set period of time or just disabling commenting for them altogether.

I'm not sure what's the best way to go about this.


On a side note, I've already had a talk with that specific user about his behavior.

Urh, I don't like trolls at all. He certainly sounds like one.

Cheers for dealing with that user, clearly for his age he isnt reflecting his behavior wink

But Yea, I thought on Tapastic I would not get any weird comments like that because its flagged as NSFW so users should have the sense to know that whatever is flagged behind that is going to be adult orientated but yea to make foolish comments which have no sense of being there should be actioned some how, if they are persistent. I think it would be nice if creators can block users completely off the comic itself, this way any foolish users like that chap can never view/comment on the comic again, thus eliminating them from even making attempts to find ways around it. It might sound like a bold suggestion but least it keeps them away. If they return under another name I guess this is when Tapastic staff can jump in for punishing users having multiple accounts to harass creators

However blocking them from just commenting is fine as well wink I just like the zero tolerance

10 days later

The thing I like the most on Tapastic so far is how people are nice here, and how it's not some drama arena for scum of the earth trolls like in other places of the Internet I won't name. I truly think that keeping such a nice atmosphere will be one of the main challenges as the site keeps on growing, and so it seems necessary to be able to report users.

Not everybody has the same sensibility nor the same beliefs. On the "underage" issue, in example, my view very much differs from @zod in that I think it is best to educate the hormonal youth rather than create taboos --but then not all sexual material is appropriate to certain ages who can't figure so well the difference between fantasy and reality, and how to behave with a partner. BUT that is another debate.

When we post our first topics here on the forum there's a little popup that reminds the user of various things to make communication nice and efficient. Maybe it would be worth having a same pop-up for the first comments on Tapastic, reminding an etiquette of niceness forbidding say, flaming, trolling, spamming, hatred, discrimination or encouragement to those.
People who infrige such rules should be reported with the possibility to explain in what the comment was offending, to include a screenshot in case the comment is deleted afterwards, and to select one or several criteria of offense (art/racial/sexual/beliefs/harrassement for updates...) and a level of offense (distasteful/worrying/infuriating/unspeakable...). This way the reports could be sorted by level of offensiveness, and it could also be possible to view the average level of offensiveness of the user over time (see if it's just a little awkwardness once in a while or a repetitive aggressivity). The criteria could also help dispatch the matters to staff competent to sort and deal this kind of offense (capable of seeing in what it is offensive).

Depending on those statistics it would be easier to judge an user's case and give either a warning or a ban. On the ban matter, temporary ban would be nice if they could require the user to sincerely apologize to those they offended, and if their apologies are accepted, then they can come back.

Well, those are just some draft ideas for you @michaelson since you wanted some!^^

10 years later

@TapasCommunityTeam I tried to report this user and the comments but i couldn't find any report button anywhere. They were yelling at the artist of Im Mortal episode 168 17-11 and when other people stepped in to try and stop it they dropped this one: