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Dec 2018

I use my procrastination time doing this instead of doing my commission so please don't judge me too much. ;v;

So I figure I should just make a guide about ‘How To Make A Good Collaboration And Partnership Offer’ Thread. There's one I found that dated back to the 2015, but I think I should make a new one. :slight_smile:

I will be writing what I've known about how to make a thread offer that would make you save your and the potentially interested artists or writers time and picking their interest more about the said project on a single thread, and mind you, this is kinda long.^^;

I will cover both ‘artist looking for writer' and ‘writer looking for artist’.

Anyone who want to add more or makes changes can reply below. I'll edit the post accordingly.

So first of all, I'll be giving the definition of collaboration and partnership according to wiki :

Collaboration : Collaboration is the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group. Teams that work collaboratively often access greater resources, recognition and rewards when facing competition for finite resources.

Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication.Such methods aim to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem-solving.

Collaboration is present in opposing goals exhibiting the notion of adversarial collaboration, though this is not a common use of the term.

In its applied sense,"(a) collaboration is a purposeful relationship in which all parties strategically choose to cooperate in order to accomplish a shared outcome.”


Partnership :
A partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as partners, agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. The partners in a partnership may be individuals, businesses, interest-based organizations, schools, governments or combinations. Organizations may partner to increase the likelihood of each achieving their mission and to amplify their reach. A partnership may result in issuing and holding equity or may be only governed by a contract.

Both basically saying two or more people joining forces to make something, but on partnership, it is two or more people's ‘creating the story together', a little different than collab. And this saying included both paid and non paid collab and partnership. Just to be clear.


Introduce yourself.
If you're an new forum user and coming there solely to search of a writer or artist, many will be wary of you're a scammer or not. The more well known you are on the forum will actually also increasing the probability of your offer getting received because we most likely will also know the range of your ability to produce writings or arts.

Write down the type of genre you're going for.
Some artist and writers didn't go for every genre. Some hate a specific genre, some like it, so state it down so the will be no confusion later.

This is more to the ‘writer looking for artist', but stating down what kind of character your story have will help the potential artist to get more interested with your work.

Drawing and writing style or aesthetic.
This is more for ‘writer looking for artist’ but works too if you're ‘artist looking for writer'. Generally, write down what kind of drawing styles you've been looking for. Manga style? American comic book style? Cartoon? And it'll be best if you have the specific examples of the kind of arts you're looking. Also, state if it is black & white, colored, flat, full color, etc.

Is this is NSFW or SFW?
Seriously, write that down. The one contacting you might ended up be an underage artist that just starting out. ^^;

If your story is only in the state of ‘idea'.
If you still don't have a clear image of how the story would be and is still in the form of idea, it is PERFECTLY FINE to simply write your story idea here for everyone to see. Story idea means nothing. The things that's worth to keep is the finished product. Though if it is already published somewhere, it is EVEN MORE BETTER to link it to your thread.

State how long the project will be.
Either this is something you count by month or year, or by stating how long the story will be in words count and pages or chapters count.

State clearly if it is an unpaid, split revenue, or paid, or some other compensation.
State your budget if this is paid. Or if you wanna make it private tell then to pm you about the budget you have in hand.
Remember that unpaid, split revenue and other means of compensation usually has lower offers acceptance than paid, because drawing and writing will take time and efforts. Lots of them, and we preferred paid because it'll help us pay the bill. :slight_smile:
whisper if you want to pay by ‘exposure’ it basically means you’re asking for unpaid one because it means nothing if you're not a super popular and well known person or organization.

Include your sample writing or drawings.
You can present them different drawings if you're an artist by directly uploading them on the post or link them to your portfolio like instagram, deviantart, or any website you place it.
For writings, you might want to link them to your existing story, either it is a short story or long running series on wattpad, tapas, drive folder, etc. People's want to see how your previous works to determine if they want to do it with you or not. So always include them because it'll increase the probability of your offer to be accepted.

Some other description.
Just write down whatever description or explanation you want to include here.

Make sure that you close the thread by editing the title and write (CLOSED) or reply on the thread itself if you found your artist or writer. Don't leave us in the dark. It gave me-I mean, us, anxiety when the person asking didn't respond at all and just leave us waiting while they have been having fun making their things with the chosen one. :v

What to remember if you're a newbie (or experienced, it's the same rule)

Collab or partnership starts with interest, chemistry and good communication. This is important.

Important to remember, if you're new in arts and writings, it is lowering the probability of your offer to be accepted, but don't worry about it. There might be some new artist and writers that what to join force with you too. ^^

It is always, always better to start with a small and short project like a short story or short comics. It is good for practice, and you can always do the larger project when you are experienced and confident enough to do the bigger one.

Be polite and informative. No one want to work with someone they know can't be communicated with. Accept criticism and changes if it is reasonable.

Don't treat your collaborator or partner as an employee (except it is what you're looking for, and you need to pay them) or look at them as someone that is lower than you. Because they're not and don't demand some unreasonable things from them. Treat them equally and they'll respect you back.

Discuss about the royalties and copyright. Note, an artist have a copyright of the arts and so the writer, but the creative licence (I probably got the name wrong) always goes to the artist except formerly discussed.

Made a contract. It'll be a safety measure for both you and your artist or writer. You can find the sample on internet, just goggled it and edit it accordingly.

The artist and writer have the right to refuse or back off of your offer if they haven't signed the contract. Be sure to remember that.

If it is a paid one, remember that the price of a pro is very high. Example, a single comic page can cost $200 and even higher ($200 is actually in the middle ground, I think). So don't protest if they demand high payment. Higher cost equal higher quality. You choose, but there is definitely a lot of artist that gave lower prices. Just ask them (thought I don't know how much a writer usually get paid). :3

The probability of writers getting their artists is lower than artist getting the writers. But don't be discouraged, there sure will be someone that'll see your post and get interested to collab or to be in partnership with you.


Note this is seriously just an example (and maybe shameless promotion of my own stuff :v) and I'm not looking for artist or writer.

This example based on the fact that I am regular in the forum and I have written and published it on tapas and wattpad before, have a short story I wrote that have been published in tapas beforehand and paid. (I wanna make it sort of informal for this one example)

‘Writer looking for artist to collab with for a one shot manga (paid)’

Heya! Know this bird? It is me, DIO! :3

Nu, lol. Hi, I'm Silver Raven. Just call me whatever you like.

For you that don't know me yet, I write and actually draw too, but my grammar might be messy since I'm not a native English speaker, so I want you to double as a proofreader for me.

Like the title said, I'm looking for an manga style artist for a one shot and it's paid! YASSSSSSS~~~

My money is not that much and I probably only be able to pay you $35 per page and I want it to be colored. No need to be a full color and I can life with just a flat color, but if you somehow what to lower the price for this cute little birdie, we can do that. wink wink

I roughly count that it probably going to be a 25~35 pages one shot, so no long commitment, folks.

I have a short story I wrote a while back in second pov before, this is the link that take you to the story directly :

I really want this short story in comic format, but don't have the time to make it. QwQ

It is horror, and involving blood and guts (which mean NSFW), so I prefer if you can make it with a rather darker atmosphere. No worries though since I'll be writing the script and you only have to draw, yay. (but I'll accept your input if you have any ;3)

The kind of manga style I'm looking for is like the manga zekkyou gakkyuu by Emi Ishikawa sensei. The link below will take you to google images. It'll be more resourceful than me putting them one by one, sorry. Tell me if the link is not working.


You will maintain the common copyright as an artist, but it generally still belong to me. We can discuss things further on pm, so, pm me if you're interested.


Also also, if this ended up well and I will need artist for another project, we can cough get to know more about each other, you know. ;333333

So there's some more writings I have published on tapas previously that I might want to turn into comic next (please excuse my grammar lol) :

I actually also have an account on wattpad but it is old stuff and I rather you don't read em. :v

(you'll notice that everything is on hiatus but I'll get back at writing soon boiiiiiii~)

So pm me~

And I'm not trolling, I swear on my regular badge. serious

(in all honestly I can't afford to pay you if I somehow what to do a collab lol)

Next is based if I'm new on the forum and comic makin, don't know how to write and is unpaid.

‘Artist looking for a writer for a short comic series partnership (unpaid)’

Hello all, I'm Silver Raven.

I'm an artist that want to try making a short comic series but I have no abilities to write.

I'm not a native English speaker and the stories I wrote generally s*ck, so I want an writer to do a partnership with me. :slight_smile:

I have a story idea on mind about a sort of Zombie Apocalypse happening on a Valentine day on modern college setting, and it is BL.

In general the BL part is not that much, mostly kissing, and it is actually some sort of action horror?

One of the MC is kinda feisty, but is actually a tsundere, and the other MC is kinda clingy sort of.

I'm bad at explaining. ^^;

I made a drawing of the characters before so I already know how they'll looks like and all, but I need someone to direct me with the script making.

I guess I want it to be a two to three chapter with twenty pages each. I want to start it low.

Also, this project is unpaid. If we somehow got a revenue (which is unlikely, I afraid), I will keep the profit with note and I'll pay you for your help later. More to discuss on pm.

I don't have a portfolio but you can check my instagram to see my style. Note that I'm an amateur and I drew slowly with my phone :

Please pm me if you're interested. :slight_smile:

In general, artist don't have much to explain and still they get more writers to work with and most of the time, they can be demanding about the writer they want to choose. In general tho, not always.

The example above is about an artist that already have a basic idea about the story line. Below is one that did not have it. (I'll skip the introduction and portfolio)

I don't have story idea and pretty much fine with any genre, so let's just see your story first, but if you're am BL writer, it is 80% guaranteed that I'll choose you more. :slight_smile:

But for this one I want it to be a short comic series. Maybe just two chapter and 30ish pages each.

I prefer if you can wrote me the script too, since I can't do that.

Pm me your story examples and we'll see if I do your story or not. :slight_smile:

The example are pretty basic but I already cover most of the important part. It is up to you next to elevated it.

Now I'm done and next is a bunch of links you can check for further reading.

This is the tread I said is about making a better collab from 2015 and some other older or newest thread (that I think is helpful and makes you need to thought more thought I haven't read all of them XD ) that talks about collab and partnership :


As an end note, I will be giving an example of a very bad collaborators thread.

Not trying to throw you under the bush, this thread OP, but this is really a very good example of the bad collab thread. Someone can learn from this and avoiding it, so thank you for that.

Oh, and a bonus, this is a troll (we pray that it is a troll) collab post :

Both thread is locked and the former is unlisted (no wonder I can't see it).

(@ratique is it alright if I link the former one here?)

Don't do it like those two examples. Bad idea.

  • created

    Dec '18
  • last reply

    Dec '18
  • 9


  • 35.0k


  • 7


  • 49


  • 50


In the lounge group, we have been kicking around some ideas for workshops in the near future. You seem to have already done the research and organizing on this topic. What do you think about presenting this info as a live or downable workshop for the Tapas community?

I honestly still don't particularly know what a workshop is. ^^;

That's why I don't comment on the lounge workshop thread.

I'm clearly don't know much about some basic terms and what do you mean by live or downable? If you guys think I could help I will help, thought not much.

So please educate me senpai. XD

tysm for putting all this together in one place!!! this is a lot of great advice :slight_smile:

love the work you did here!
also sidenote

i got to talk to them in PMs (they initiated lol) and yeah it's a joke post!

pinned Dec 15, '18

The term "workshop" is a little vague. Here is what I mean.

workshop: (noun) a meeting held for the purpose of teaching a specific topic. Typically, a workshop involves one person explaining a complex subject to an audience. Unlike a class in a school where the subject is taught every day, a workshop is a one-time event.