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Jul 2021

Any tips on drawing different speech bubbles in procreate? I am aware you can use monoline brushes, or pull the streamline function up, or keep the pencil pressed, so you can change the form, but it doesn't really satisfy me and I still have to take like 20 tries to draw a semi good-egglike speech bubble and I am not happy with it most of the time. I feel like clip studio has much better options (which I sadly don't have).

Also: Do you have good tutorials or reference sheets for speech bubbles, for different kind of situations? Like whispering, shouting etc.?

Pic, because it kinda fits to how I feel when I draw them lol

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    Jul '21
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    Jul '21
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To be honest, I would just use Clip Studio Paint, Medibang or ComicDraw. These apps were made for creating comics and have great word balloon features. Procreate was more for just digital painting, it can do comics but the others apps are way better.

You could always either buy a procreate brush pack with speech bubble stamps or you could make your own. There are tons of tutorials on YouTube about how to make a custom brush.

Procreate can be tricky to do those classic speech bubbles with so if you cant use another program maybe as someone mentioned get some stamps/brushes for speech bubbles (or make some) or try to find another way that works for you to do speech bubbles in procreate.

I couldnt find a satisfying way to do those classic bubbles so I just started doing it another way instead that works for me and I dont have to jump between programs.

also here is a kickstarter for making webcomics i found recently ,and if you scroll a bit down they give some nice free advice on exactly what youre asking about, various speech bubbles for different situations :slight_smile:

Also blambot have some good resources

There's an ellipse selection tool in Procreate. You can use that to make an oval and fill it with white for a speech bubble.

You could use a computer instead. Back when I started my comic Procreate had very few tools. So I actually did all my speech bubbles on my computer, saved them as PNGs, and sent them to my iPad.

Thirdly, you could look for a different free app instead of Procreate. Clip studio has a free version. I also tried doing the text on my iPad with either the free Keynote or Pages app (can't remember which).

You can get this Comic Kit that helps you do panel borders and speech balloons with Procreate. It's officially free, though if you like it and want to donate to the creator, they have a donation link there as well.

Oh, hey we just had a thread about speech bubbles that had some fun tutorials! Check it out:

I tend to just use the shape tools and fill the area, though there are many brushes and such you can download for free to achieve the effect

I draw an oval shape, hold it down so the shape tool kicks in (and it becomes a nicer looking oval), fill it, resize a little, and then draw in the tail. I don't use black outlines for the bubbles, since that winds up taking way more time, and Procreate doesn't have a clean and easy way to add them in.

Most of my pages are rich enough in colour that the lack of bubble outline doesn't matter. The one time it did, I plopped a drop shadow on it, and it still looked pretty nice.