11 / 14
Dec 2019

Hey y'all, I wanted to introduce myself here since these forums are so active and the community here seems to be so strong and helpful. I'm Sarah, I'm currently attending SCAD working on my degree in Sequential Art, after which I'll be getting my Master's so I can eventually teach in the SEQA department myself.

I just migrated my comic here from Smack Jeeves after that major upheaval. I really wanted to be able to interact with my readers and participate in a forum of other creators, both of which SJ took away, so on the suggestion of one of my readers, I moved everything here to Tapas, and I'm already loving it. The forum is really active, people seem to be helping each other out a lot, which I love, and readers seem to be more active here than SJ. I've only been on Tapas for about a week, and my comic has already gotten nearly 50 subscribers, which is more than I had on SJ after being there for three months!

My comic is Hollow, a modern magical adventure comic starring a directionless young man named Skyler. When he was 14, he was chosen to be an anime-style magical hero, collecting the scattered Amulets, fighting rogue magic, and saving the day with his best friend Paige, his battle companion Levi, and his magical talking animal guide Tenebrous (Tenny-B for short). But then he collected the final Amulet, saved the day, and everything.... stopped. His crew split up, his animal guide vanished, and he had to figure out how to suddenly be a normal person living a normal, magic-free life.

It's been six years since then, and Skyler is trying to get back on his feet. He's going to college, he's got his own apartment, he's actually leaving the house, and he's trying to move on with his normal life - when suddenly rogue magic appears out of nowhere. Skyler has to find out who is behind it and put a stop to it, but he's depressed and out of practice. And who should show up at the same time as all this new magic, but Levi, his former magical battle companion! What's going on? Who is behind this new aggressive magic? What is Levi doing back? And can Skyler manage to put a stop to all this and still pass World History 101?

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to sharing my comic with everyone and keeping up with everything that goes on in these forums, and I'm definitely glad I decided to hop over here after Smack Jeeves lost its marbles!

  • created

    Dec '19
  • last reply

    Dec '19
  • 13


  • 948


  • 11


  • 26


  • 1


Welcome to Tapas! It's nice to hear that you're enjoying it here so far. :smiley:
It's definitely nice how people interact over here and I'm happy to hear that you're getting some good results. I hope things only continue to go up for you!

Oh hey there new hooman. Welcome to the community! :tapa_pop:

aigh now back to the corner

Welcome, you! Glad you found us. Came here a year ago and I’ve still stuck around, so that says something :wink:

Welcome to Tapas! Nice to see another creator working with an after-the-"main"-plot type of story :eyes: Here's hoping we get to keep the forums here for the foreseeable future!

Absolutely! From what I understand, even Webtoons creators come here to talk shop, which is pretty cool I think.

Also if you like stories that take place after the "main" story, there's a novel series called In Legend Born by Laura Resnick that does it really well. The books take place after the prophesied Chosen One saved the world and leapt into a volcano to become the Fire Goddess's lover, and the characters are all his friends and adventuring crew who are left over afterwards, trying to keep the world safe and trying to figure out what they're supposed to do now that the prophecy is over. It's a pretty fun read.

Welcome lol I use to be on SJ a very long time ago. That ship sanked a long time ago. Good thing I jumped ship before it turned into hell.

Good for you for leaving.This is a better place anyway and you will like it here.

My advice to you is to be patient with the growth of your comic. Some people expect 1k to 2k view overnight which won’t happen.

Well, WELCOME again :blush:

Thanks! Before I used SJ for my most recent comic, I had hosted on Comic Fury, which was similar to old SJ in that you could customize your web page and everything, but the whole site was really inactive and there wasn't much of a community presence in the forums or comments or anything. It felt a bit like a ghost town, which is why I initially went with SJ this time around. Then three months into posting my comic, that went bananas, and I wound up here! I think it all worked out for the best, though :grin:

Welcome to the community with nice people.
I’m just an odd blue stick figure trying to fit in between great artists.

Hello and welcome!
As a fellow former-ish Smackjeeves user (still have one series I might keep updating on there), I was wondering how this overhaul was affecting people.

Ooo, your comic is great, you just gained a new subscriber from me! Awesome stuff!

Welcome to Tapas, I hope you have a good time here!

And good luck in your schooling too, I'm so envious of people who are able to get actual education in the field! :smile: I don't have any schools that offer degrees for it around me.

Thank you for subscribing! I'm really glad that people have been enjoying my comic so far, the reception of it here has been great.

I'm loving SCAD so far, it's a great school and the faculty are super knowledgeable. It's a little weird going back to college as a 31-year-old sophomore, but I've really been learning a lot, and it's already opened up a ton of doors for me career-wise. Wouldn't trade this experience for the world :grin: