1 / 12
Jan 4

Heyhey, I come here to you with a question about comic-titles ^^'
The story of Osram is a placeholder for my comic since... a while. Due to my uncreativity in terms of names. Now I finaly found something, that sounds kinda nice? What do you think? Osram, the main chara uses a sword and the other character loves to tinker with explosives, so it would fit. Although it also sounds like a series about war, which it isn't (It's a weard mixture of adventure, romance, fun, adventure-girl meets city-"scientist"...). So I'm unsure here.

I'm also thankfull for any other sugestions :slight_smile:

  • The story of Osram (current)
  • A tale of swords and explosions
  • A tale of swords and explosives
  • None of those


  • created

    Jan 3
  • last reply

    Jan 5
  • 11


  • 240


  • 1


  • 25


How about the best of both worlds? "Osram's Tale of Swords and Explosions". Or you can go old school weekly's with a subtitle. "Osram's Tale: A Story of Swords and Explosions."

I'll second @BoomerZ here: "Osram: Swords and Explosions" would probably be better. Since it's a romance between sword guy and an explosives girl, "Swords and Explosions" might be better by itself.

The Story of Osram sounds like a slow high fantasy epic, which doesn't fit your description.

A Tale of Swords and Explosions just reminds me of the name Ice and Fire. If this story is going to be about Osram, then you can just name it Osram. Like my comic named after my MC, "Mukhtar". Or like @BoomerZ suggestion.

Thank you all for your feedback :smiley: I kinda like the idea of combining both worlds.
The problem with only using the name, Osram: There is a lightbuld manufacturer with the same name ^^'

Ha! I didn't know that! And is that a heroforge figure?

Yeah, I remembered this, after I already chose her name. Plus back then, I didn't plan on making her a main chara ^^'

And jup, this is from heroforge :smiley:

I think I'll use the combined version. That "Osram" fits so neatly ^^ But I decided to go with explosives than explosions as it is something you can like hold... like the sword... I don't know how to describe this but it makes sense in my head xD

Technically, that's not a light bulb. That's a vacuum tube, electronic forerunner of the transistor. Though I'm aware that some language translation software turns vacuum tube into "pipe" or "bulb", etc. I don't think anyone will confuse the tube maker with your character, though. If anyone even remembers the tube maker. :smile: But you did. :open_mouth:

Ah, to clarify, they are currently a lightbulb factory. But back in the day they also made those tubes :slight_smile: It's quite an interesting piece of engeneering! I managed to build some antennas so far but a full on radio... No chance ^^'

But yeah, when I am being sued for copyright because of her, I'll cry tears of joy because then I totally made it xD