12 / 14
Oct 2024

Maybe ask nicely instead of demanding? I'd be happy to review it if you asked instead of demanded. If you're being bossy, you might put off potential readers

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I think if you ask in a less demanding way, you might actually get someone to take a look at your work :3
Also, you need to change out your cover and thumbnails, Tapas does not allow AI generated stuff of any kind…

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Also I’m just going to get this out of the way. We are willing to help you but it’s just the caption of the post rubbed us all the wrong way. Does that make sense?

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Yeah not gonna lie, at first you did seem to come across as kinda mean. But then again, I agree with @BreeBaxter that we’ve all had our moments! So as for me, all is forgiven. :blush::heart::v:

Now then, did you want to do a review swap? My link is here if you do consider this. I’m also available for sub4sub :grin:

I’m available to review about three to five chapters. Also what would you like for me to critique?