4 / 19
Nov 2022

the last time i attempted a comic i had 40 pages in one year, which was chapter one in a much longer story.

  • created

    Nov '22
  • last reply

    Dec '22
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Simplify your artstyle. A good practice for that is to go to a 24 hours comic day. 24 pages in 24 hours.
There are also 4, 8, 12 hours days. 4 pages in 4 hours. You can also do that alone with a timer or
with friends or online. You learn a lot of simplifying your figures when you do something like that

usually a page takes me a week at the very least, unless i cheat. so do i just do it as rough as possible so it takes only an hour or less to do the page? like a 30 second quick draw?

if a page is taking a week i think a good course of action would be to find what parts of the process are tkaing you the longest and seeing if you can find a way to streamline those parts

like when im working on illustrations or comic pages lineart by far is the longest part of the process for me so i try to do all my sketching at once then get into doing lineart in batches and then i can blow thru colors and finishing touch ups coz those are super fast for me

it also helps to create a span of time in your workflow to build a backlog or extra pages that are done ahead of time. by doing this you have more cushion if maybe you fall behind a few updates in terms of just finishing pages and you can use that buffer to post from

theres also quality of life changes you can make in your art workflow like brush stamps for crowd scenes or lots of items or reusing backgrounds when possible for scenes in the same locations but ideally you want what works for you and your readers

Post examples of your process. Thumbs. Layouts. Construction. Finishes. Show us which bits take you the longest.

Looks like a good turnout rate to me, especially if you have a day job :stuck_out_tongue:

Not if a single chapter of the comic you want to write is 80 pages, and you want to make like 20 chapters in season 1 alone, and make four seasons.

Then maybe trim your story back a bit then?

... yeah, series of that scale almost always use a team. You basically never see one person pull of such a big project all on their own. It's just not logically feasible :stuck_out_tongue:

If you really want to commit to that scale, your best bet is to stick to your own pace, but focus on really wowing people with your early content such that people are willing to pitch in their time/money to assemble a team to help you complete the rest of it. But even that's kind of a long shot for most people :sweat_02:

Post examples of your process. Thumbs. Layouts. Construction. Finishes. Show us which bits take you the longest.

this. We need more info about your process.

You could also check out some of these tips:

Most comic books are around 120 pages for a full story, not one chapter, a manga might be like 30 pages a chapter depending, so maybe either chop that into more chapters and give yourself a buffer or shorten your story by trimming the fat. And most the time comic book agencies have a staff of twelve or more making an issue a week. For one person 40 pages a year is great. If you want to make your process faster, take the angles, effects, bubbles, layouts, expressions color palettes and poses you draw the most, make them into a base to copy and paste, and save them in your materials folder to drag and drop when needed. Edit it to keep the pages consistent. The more pages you churn out the more materials you can make, the faster you are, the larger your buffer is. Good pre planning will make your comic fast to produce.

I’m not sure what i can cut. and even with all the cutting i could do, the story will still take decades to make at the pace of 40 pages in a full year.

Then maybe start a smaller project instead and save the bigger project until you're more comfortable with your workflow and know the ins and outs of production better?

That's what I did.

For me, planning what gets done each day helps me get more pages done.

I complete 3 pages a week- so what I do is give myself a day to plan my thumbnails, composition and backgrounds, 2 days for sketching, 2 days for lineart, one for colouring and one for shading. By breaking it down like this, it means I have a bit of work to do everyday that isn't too much to keep up with.

I find that doing all the sketching/lineart or whatever process for a couple pages in one go really speeds things up since you don't have to change your process for each page, and you have that momentum.

This can also help you find out what takes you the most amount of time to do and plan accordingly. For example, if you know sketches are quick but lineart is slow, spend a day on sketches and a couple days on lineart.

Hope this helps!

I have one idea that is basically novel length, possibly a fairly short novel but probably a normal length one. that’s the smallest scale idea i have. I’ll still need to have way more than 40 pages a year if it’s adapted into a comic. should i go even smaller than that?

Yeah probably. Maybe start with a 20-30 page one shot or maybe a comedy strip like I did when starting out?

I don’t know what i’d make a one shot of. what would be worth writing about but only for 30 pages of comic?

Do i just pick something to be doing it?

Yes. Just pick something and just staple your pants to the chair and do it. I wrote a one shot abotu a superhero alpaca, you can write a one shot about whatever you think would be funas well.

1 month later

closed Dec 13, '22

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