7 / 33
Aug 2022

I would have demanded that my parents send me to art classes instead of forcing me to play the violin as a kid. Granted, I may have still been stuck playing a violin, but I would have been more satisfied if I pitched more of a fit.

I consider if I would have gone to art school (or any school with actual art classes) instead of military school, but I still think I would have done the latter because it was the easiest way for me to get out of the deep south with no money.

There are art schools for highschoolers or you can take cheap online classes nowadays. Also, you can use your violin skill to play background music for your comic. :3

I wouldve started writing more seriously at 20 instead of 35.

I wish I could've done more with my art earlier in life instead of being aimless and doing I think others want me to do.
I started this comic passion around march THIS year. Feels like I'm playing catch-up 24/7 now.

I would not restart my life at all because I was pretty much born with this thing. It was a miracle that I even learned writing in the first place, I don't think I'd be able to relearn it again lmao.

I will say, I'd probably destroy the thing that can allow people to reshape their lives to preserve the timeline. Y'know.. chaos theory and all that.

If I could restart my life, I don't want to be an artist because it's hard and almost no gain but pain. Instead, I would learn how to code and become a game programmer.

Started making comics earlier and took advantage of any resources available to get better over being to shy to ask about them and work alone.

High school was a long, long time ago, and my current job operates on the infamous rattler work schedule, so taking classes with any regularity would be difficult. While the music idea is an option, I hated playing that thing, so I donated it to a school during some de-cluttering years ago. X-D

if i could and know what i know now would have started earlier, probably id be in the 4th volume by now

"When asked the same question, in their next life as a successful programmer, they responded, 'I wish I had been an artist, maybe then I would still have the ability to Dream."

Yeah. You could use coding to programmed your comic to anime. You could play instruments as background music. You could use AI to construct a basic storyline. Technology is so useful when it comes to comic-making. :slight_smile:

And we now have a story of a coder who makes his own anime only for it to be taken over by the ai he developed.

I don't really want to reset life (if we are talking about just art). I think the mistakes and development I have made have helped form me into what I am today.

I think if I could undo something, I wish I didn't accidentally delete my files back in 2019. I lost everything I drew in 2018 and I scrabbled to download every post I made. I think it mentally put me in a rough place and I didn't want to draw anything for months because I was so upset. The 2020 pandemic sort of helped me refocus, ironically. Even tho I saved a lot of the images, I wish I had my raw files.

Augh. Where do I begin? Well first of all, I would have conducted myself a little bit better in school, especially when it came down to bullying. I would have socialized a little bit more with various people and maybe even gained a few friends along the way. Secondly, I would have loved to be able to study more and become a successful business executive. I heard the pay is really good. But then again, after all that I have been through in my life, I'm actually pretty glad I came out the way I did.

I would have ditched a lot of the mistaken beliefs around art that I entertained for too long. Things like inborn talent determining whether you should/shouldn't try something, or that artists must always starve, or that work ethic doesn't apply to creative pursuits :laughing:

Kids have dumb beliefs and make dumb decisions based on those beliefs... or at least I did!

So many things, my kid. I'm a ball of regret.
First, I wouldn't let my parents dictate my future. I'd step up and do whataver the hell I wanted (art, in this case). I should have followed my heart.
Second, I wouldn't have stoped drawing for almost 5~6 years. Depression hit me hard, and I hardly sketched on the notebook at college. Stopping to draw almost killed me.
Third, I'd study more. Anatomy, perspective, I'd study everything cuz I had time and money for that. I'd do courses, I'd do anything possible and impossible to improve my art. Use my time in more productive way. And restart to write fiction (I stopped at my teenage years), as I missed it but never retried it.
As to my comic... I'd study more. Practice more. Mainly backgrounds (hehe). Maybe write and rewrite my comic for a while before posting it but I'm too anxious and wanted to do it already xD Maybe get some friends to review it frist before posting it would be nice too (but i'm too shy to show my work to friends). But I'm fine with how I went through working on it, it was chaotic for inumeral reasons, but what I'd change is basicaly my abilities that are lacking most of the time and practice could change a bit.

I would have stopped myself from being inspired by an artist that drew anatomically incorrect characters lol you see, for beginners that's a huge set back xD Since it's important to learn from the basics!

I like what I'm doing and I think I've used my time favorably as I've been practicing writing even though it was fanfiction. I always saw it as practice for something original I felt like writing in a near future hmmm

But yeah, I would have liked being inspired by more artists. I think I took too long to get some stuff right because of that XD now that I look back on the drawings that inspired me I'm like why did I not see this :blusht:

Hmm, my first fanfiction was a mess though, I added too many elements XD but well, getting it wrong is always part of getting it right! I would have liked not writing it in english though, I wanted to practice then but the dialogues and narration were so poor it's cringy when I try to reread it ahahahah XD

Still I'm very optimistic about it, if anything, more than restarting this life, I wish I could take my memory and present skill to a new life so I could keep improving loool XD

I would've never taken a hiatus from doing art. At the time, my progress was so slow it frustrated me. But if I never stop, who knows, maybe my art will be much better now. :sob: