1 / 29
Sep 2020

Existing non-fiction authors, feel free to promote here~

I expect a lot of people are going to say history...but I would probably write about science. Biology/Zoology, specifically.
I've always loved reading about plants and animals, and I appreciate that it's a relatively accessible branch of science: anyone of any age/from any background can start learning without any prerequisites; it's 90% observation.

Not like chemistry (my major...) or physics, where you have to know things about math and the discoveries of earlier scientists before you can really start to grasp the foundational concepts. The foundational concept of biology is "look at creature...and think about what you see".

  • created

    Sep '20
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    Sep '20
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Heavy. Metal. Subgenres. (Their development, history, culture etc. I kinda already do this in my music thread.)
Also dinosaurs. (I just love talking about them.)

I would write about 50,000 words...give or take a thousand.

Prob something involving anthropology, or making short drawing/writing help books involving facts about real life that can help you with writing/drawing them in a comic or novel

Writing about my own life would be way too weird. Tho if I was to pick one moment, maybe 6th grade where I gad to deal with post-9/11, the Beltway Sniper, 6 feet of snow, and a storm that caused power outages that shut down the schools for a week.

Do scientific articles count as nonfiction lol? If so, I've already written non-fiction

Definitely something to do with my job. Already done a few bits for that, too, even if none of it's for publishing.

I've actually thought a lot about this and it's on my list of things to do. I'd write about the descent of illustration from how it was perceived in the Leyendecker era (like Rockwell was a freakin superstar) to how it is now where, because of social media and years of poor education, most people have this perception that not only are there a billion professional artists out there (which despite how it feels, there really isn't), that they are expendable and deserve to be underpaid. Just a big depressing book about fundamental rules of commerce failing to work: where despite there being so much demand and despite the quality being better than ever, the price of commercial art remains so, so incredibly poor and only seems to get worse.

It's cliche but a self help book. Living through trauma makes you want to help others deal with it!

You should definitely write that! Sounds like a fascinating read...

I'm guilty I love History way too much. But I wouldn't mind writing and studying animals. If I never honed my skills as an artist or story writer I would probably have gone to the field of Archaeology or Zoology (something like one of my biggest heroes Steve Irwin did).

So I'd probably write something along the lines of Archaeology or Animals.

Some daydreaming dude that lives and sees the world as a fantasy story.
Poor guy.
(That would be my bio)

I've always wanted to write non-fiction about philosophy and ethics, because I've always found that interesting. Maybe create a collection of thought experiments and ethical dilemmas!

Same thought! My best friend and I always joke about writing one together bundled in several volumes with... quite interesting titles.

(We have a whole list of titles we'd love to use, though I'm sure we've forgotten at least half of them already.)

Something I'm intrigued by is philosophy. My Ethics teacher has given us a whole pile of works from philosophers to read and damn, though sometimes difficult to understand, it is simply interesting. So yeah, philosophy it would be.