13 / 13
Jul 2021

So I've ben on tapas for a while and my story has reached 116 subs which im REALLY grateful for. BUT I've noticed something. Their method of paying authors is really REALLY crude to take a whole month for pending. It's ridiculous, So for this reason I'm switching to royal road that has direct payment through PayPal. No i wont delete my account here. I just would prefer for those who truly support me to support me there rather than here.

  • created

    Jul '21
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 12


  • 1.9k


  • 8


  • 40


I know what you mean ◠̈ I still have most of my total revenue pending since the end of June. It's not even enough to request a transfer but I would still want it in my account.

Yeah that's why I started looking for a different place to put my story.

Yeah, even for extremely popular series, Tapas isn't an effective place to make money. They pay out a smaller percentage of ad revenue than their competitors, and ink donations, while slightly more effective, get a percentage eaten up in fees.

While it takes longer to unlock ad revenue on the likes of, say, Webtoon, at least once it's unlocked the earning potential is there immediately. Tapas unlocks it at such a low level that it's kinda misleading, people think they can start earning immediately, and that's just not the case.

30 days was pretty standard I thought. Amazon Kindle and Lulu are 30 day-based, so is Webtoon (with the caveat that your balance must have a $100 minimum before they pay out).

If you want instant money, you would have to sell directly to the customer through like Paypal.

Does Royal Road have ad revenue? It looks to me like they're just providing a button for external donations. I'm not very familiar with the site, but I like to know about monetization options.

I really like that Tapas allows us to monetize our work through ink and ad rev in additional to external monetization like donating to paypal or subscribing to patreon. It looks like Royal Road just encourages the external donating- though if thats resulted in a better culture of fans donating, then thats really awesome. But it's faster because Royal Roads isn't actually giving or processing the money.

Please correct me if I'm wrong! I just looked at their FAQ page, and that was what I gleaned.

I'm curious about that too, since I've heard a lot about creators here posting on Royal Road.

I've been posting my novel on RoyalRoad for a few weeks, and the downside I've seen is absolutely the analytics.

Unlike on Tapas, it's locked behind a paywall. Chapter views, user retention, and even followers. Sure, you might potentially earn more money in the end, but you're a little more blind, and there's a chance that if you invest in the author premium (unlike your series happens to take off), you'll end up at net zero, or even a deficit compared to how much you're investing in the site.

How much time did it take you to reach this milestone? days? months? years? I'm thinking about posting some webcomic on tapas, but if it takes too long to reach that number, I won't bother, on another acc on WT I reached more than that overnight, I just posted a cover picture, not even a prologue, but that's probably because I create BL, people there are hungry for BL romance.

I don't feel like the thirty day waiting period is horrible at all. Most reputable places where you can publish your work have a waiting period- amazon kindle, for example, and the publishing companies I have used have AT LEAST a 30 day waiting period, and sometimes pay quarterly.
So Tapas's 30 day waiting period is more than fair, imo, especially when you consider that part of that is probably because payments have to process through google play/whatever the apple equivalent is before it gets to Tapas, and then has to process to creators from there.

On a note unrelated to payment methods, I haven't been on any other site that offers as much support or as positive a reader audience as Tapas does, and that in itself seems worth staying.

They're talking about a novel, not a webcomic, the growth for which generally takes longer.

Most people have found their comic grows faster on webtoon than on Tapas, which makes sense since webtoon is the bigger platform. However some find the reverse, so you never know.

If you're thinking about posting on tapas, I found webtoon to be easier to grow a platform, I've been posting for almost 1 year and I have over 8k subs. On tapas, I started posting a little more recently, but I don't even have 10% of total webtoon subs.

I do like the analytics and support option on tapas better than webtoon, but it's still hard to earn any money unless it's from support.

Ok so.. ive seen this question here and there and for how long it took me to get 116 subs here was ten months. To how im doing on royal road? Im actually doing pretty well! I already have over 200 views on my story within the little time ive ben on there. I grew aa LOT slower here.