30 / 31
Aug 2020

I thought about what you just wrote, and you know what, I think, if you are someone like you, who has this as an template or better as an plan, then it could work - a kinda hybrid of both worlds, something that isn´t done so often :slight_smile:

So, I have to say, my initial question was more in direction someone writing a story and then uses art as an after thought :wink:

I your case you just have to be careful to not cross that thin line that you give your readers something to drool over from the sound of it :smiley:

I think one of the best things about novels is that I can use my imagination to create the characters and scenery and I don’t want art to “interrupt” the picture in my head or not be what I’m envisioning. That said, I started playing around with illustrations :grimacing: not every chapter because I don’t need that extra commitment on my plate.

There is a novel on here that I read that is illustrated (one per chapter) and I don’t mind it, in that instance they enhance the work and I look forward to them. So I guess it depends. But I’ll also say that if you have subpar drawing skills then you probably shouldn’t. Not you specifically OP :sweat_smile: but anyone.

I once heard someone saying something like:

Words create ideas,
ideas create pictures,
pictures create colors,
colors create scenes,
scenes create words.

or something like that, my memory isn´t really good :smiley:

I think you describe it actually quite well how my feelings about novels are :slight_smile:
As I said a little bit above, if you plan it well it might work, but only if you keep it simple, meaning not creating pictures of the characters but maybe from very specific items (like a map). And as you said it can become work :smiley:

But it can become a distraction.

Oh, no need to hold back, believe me, my art is maybe kindergarten level :joy:
If you want, you can see what I am "capable" of here (but be warned, this can´t be unseen :smiley: ) - the newest one is also the placeholder I used for my cover ^^


But joke aside, I know what you want to say :slight_smile:

If I would have drawn like this in kindergarten I would be a star right now.

Lmao your work is nowhere near kindergarten level. The Ryuk! I like it. But I’d prefer a pivotal scene or something that just has to be seen visually than sketch dumps every chapter. And you can always have your reader look on your social media if they just want to see art you do for your story.

One of my main characters is in my pfp so I don’t feel the need to add a drawing of him constantly in the story.

Really? I just don´t know, it looks so simple and I don´t really see worst ones out there :open_mouth:
But tbh, you are not the first one telling me that :confused:

Thanks, glad you like it. But the same I said above, I always see them so "bad", but I am no artist, so I have no clue about it really :smiley:

Oh, and of course that is what a piece of art should show. As I said earlier, if you want to create art for a novel, it should be something very special :slight_smile:

The part about social media is also true, and it helps keeping your readers informed.

I think the art would end up feeling better for mood than for characters, because as said above, it does replace a bit of the imagination aspect. But on the other hand, while a good character description can let you have a pretty good image of the character, you can't really go in and describe every spire of a crazy looking temple without sacrificing pacing, for example. Something like a simple banner-size simple painting, just so the reader goes "oh it's spooky/it's whimsical/it's awe-inspiring in the characters' perspective" and proceeds to read with some of the work cut out for them, but not all of it.

But essential? Not really. Unless you want to also practice art for yourself(like building porfolio for tabletop books, which use this a lot!), the banner, thumbnail and cover will be more than enough.

It is funny what you are saying :slight_smile:
No don´t think I think you said something wrong, but about "describing" things we are on one wave lenght. But this is exactly what some writers told me just not long ago is what you should do.

In my current story "Journey of a Huntress" I actually try to balance the amount of details I tell the reader, but my test readers all told me I should go all out with details - and telling them I think it would might bring pacing problems, I was told, that that doesnt matter, because you write, and this is the way you tell what is going on. Let´s see how others think if they read it, but after posting it yesterday, I think my cover is keeping people away from reading it :smiley:

And I agree with what you say about banners and what you wrote in your last paragraph :slight_smile:

I was JUST wondering about this. I am TERRIBLE with art, so I comissioned some on Fiverr for $5 a piece. But Canva has been really good for making placeholder art. You'll have to use Tapas's custom dimensions, but most themes still work. Pm copy and paste your title onto it, and maybe change the color scheme or something, idk.

Does anyone know how to add a picture.png to a novel? I want to add a map as an extra, but it looks like I can't upload anything in the main text area, only to the thumbnail.

I do like your idea though! I hope you might share with us someday what you are planning because we gotta do something to please our readers right? :grin:

And haha, you're very right about that one! XDDD

Oh, that wasn´t my idea, it is just something I saw in the past once or twice done and liked that idea :slight_smile:

I am not a writer or artist - I am happy if there is even someone out there who won't get angry reading my stuff :sweat_smile: But if you want, you can try, I uploaded the Prologue and 1. Chapter of the story I am writing at the moment this weekend - but again, don´t expect something, this is the lowest level of what you can call writing :smiley:


It isn't the best art but for real who can draw a mona lisa?
I think you shouldn't compare art because everything is Unique. In its own way everything can be amazing.
And Kindergarten level are stick figures. So there IS a diffrence. Also I know people in their 20s who draw muchhh worse.

I put my pencil drawings on the cover or in an intro chapter just because I think they came out decent.
Tapas is a very visual medium. I can't compete against comics drawn by these awesome digital artists, but I think the expectations of a novel author's drawing skills are lower.
At least that's what I keep telling myself.

I've seen drawings used above the text like mood banners, which I think worked very well in that novel. I haven't done anything like that because I suck at drawing scenes.

I think you should stick to what you're good at. Don't add art if you're not proud of it at least a little bit. In the end, readers expect a story when they click on a novel. The art should be a pleasant surprise, not a substitution for a good story.

you have to do this on the firefox browser! I've seen that mentioned around - no idea how, but it doesn't work on chrome n safari n that

I use Firefox to put the art I make into my novel! It's just copy and paste. But the file can't be too big, so you might have to shrink it if anyone takes this route.

Nice! @Jen-Jen, there's your answer above (also you should want firefox, it's the holy grail browser)

Unfortunately, this is of no use to me as I have the drawing skills of a particularly malcoordinated potato :sob:

For my novel, I commissioned an artist from Etsy to do my cover. We all know the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover," but everyone does it. Covers are the first thing people see and will definitely judge how much effort was put into it. But, not everyone can spare $30-50.

I've seen many novels with a photo cover. Lots of people use Canva because it's easy to choose some nice fonts and graphics. I use Canva to change the dimensions that Tapas requires plus the available fonts.

Oh, I didn´t compare my art, I was just stating a fact :smiley:
TBH, I never really wanted to draw, it was more of an afterthought last year to have alternative videos for my YT channel.

I am more shocked people liked them and hate my writings, something I poured a little bit more time and energy in, and got some really "nice" feedback about them - but I still crawl back to it, no clue why :confused:

I would say keep that state of mind because it won't let you down when putting your story up :slight_smile:
But I have to agree, you can do one thing well but that doesn´t mean you are good in a different direction - there was a saying:

"You can be great in a few directions, but only standard in everything."

Meaning, if you don´t specialize you will never see what you mind come up with - or in other terms, there will never be a way to grow.

You know, I actually didn´t want to use art, but sadly Tapas wants a cover ^^ And just going with words and white background just look like I wasn´t even trying :smiley: Ok, the cover I have now, is worse, because it scares possible readers away, but I at least tried ^^

I did something like that for my first story but from dA. Problem was, that it also works the other way around. People expected that I have an amazing story, behind a great artwork, but that was my first story, so I only got one pissed off comment after the next, and I deleted everything :confused:

I think, depending on the photo, you can do a lot with it, as long you took your time for it and thinking if it would work with the story you want to tell.