I think I get the feeling. It's hard not to judge your work by the way it has been received (because I do that, too), viewers are just people and that means fickle, hard to please & hard to figure out. I can tell you not to judge yourself that way but I don't always follow that advice, myself. I also think sometimes lots of people will hit LIKE if they see lots of others have already, so it's hard to "get the ball rolling."
@joannekwan the 100 sub limit doesnt apply to webtoon originals, only canvas
how is your story different from others and why should it attract readers? do you draw for readers? for numbers? for yourself?
the color palette does not match the comedy genre
the font is low resolution and pixelated too much - at least put some quality in basic stuff and make it look neat if you can't draw well.
the story feels too generic from the description and neither description nor cover is catchy enough to start reading.
@wocalichofficial wocalichofficial
Don't just give readers what they ask for, what about the story you want to tell?
I have to criticize nowadays "fan" culture that destroys authors. Literally. If they dont like something they are capable to do anything to stop you creating. Very much like Annie Wilkes but with internet. If you dont create things the way they want, you have seen how rabid fandom acts, not only has happened for popular artists but Ive witnessed it with small artists as well (one artist I know from Canada receives a lot of offensive mail almost on daily basis, they even have hacked her blogs multiple times as well to make her stop drawing what she likes, but gladly shes strong and fights back)
Its time authors stop pleasing fans or potential fans and end frustrated with their works.
Hey there! I read the first 5 episodes of your comic (prologue and eps 1-4), and my gut reaction is that you may just be losing potential subs before reaching the story hook because your plot is a little slow to get going
Within the episodes that i've read nothing much has happened yet, besides the protagonist and his mentor bickering for 4 episodes straight. I don't know much about either of them or the new chief character other than that the protagonist doesn't want to be a hero (for some reason) and that the mentor is bad with names. Just now at the end of episode 4 (technically episode 5 unless people skip the prologue) there's a hint of things to come, the first possible plot hook... but even then I'm not that invested in it because I'm not particularly invested in the characters yet.
I agree with @magnavarra , particularly regarding the series summary. You may want to update or rewrite that to create some intrigue and get people interested in what's going to happen before they even click the first episode If you can give people enough of a teaser to want to see what is going to happen from the summary, then they might be more willing to stick around to see that come to fruition. Currently it just tells us that the MC doesn't want to be a hero, and the prologue verifies that fact, so I feel like my expectations have already been met. You want to craft it such that it leads readers deeper into the story.
Don´t feel down. I know how you feel - I had a YouTube channel with some videos that hit over 4k of views in just a month, but with only 1 like on it and 100 subscribers and no feedback. Sadly a lot of clicks come from bots. The moment you post a link somewhere you can be sure at least 10 views are just done by them.
Heck, the comic I am helping to create at the moment, has the same problem. But here we have one or two people who like it and comment on it.
But, don´t fall in this category of "More clicks, more viewers" - concentrate on the real viewers you have and create something good and memorable. for them. They are the ones you should look after because they will, as time passes on share your comic and bring new readers.
Yes I know, it isn't the answer you might want to hear, but as I said, I know how you feel.
@Afrofairy96 sorry, I can't help, but I kinda feel the same. I don't know how long you did that comic, but I'm just been around a month and already can sympathize..
I’m not 100% positive but a quick google search says that subscription limit for webtoon originals is 300 and another 300 for canvas. Not great but still better than 100.
And I agree with those who said competition in webtoon is fierce. Also if you tried sorting canvas comics by most popular you’ll get a sense of what readers at webtoons are intersted in nowadays.
Ugh. It's wack it's not stated clearly or that there's even a limit at all!
People drop off from updating comics all the time, so folks would have to go through their library and curate it to keep on top of new series they're interested in subbing to. But I doubt the average reader will do that. So when they hit their limit, they're unlikely to seek out anything new unless it really jumps out at them on the front page or something.
I understand how frustrating the lack of support from the audience can be. Sub4sub and comment-for-comment can be helpful for aspiring artists. Make friends with other authors, create your little circle to support each other.
Keep your work going. Keep improving! Only constant practice is the key to success.
It's not that you aren't good, you just need to get better with your art, and what other way to get better than to keep drawing and practicing. people won't sub if the art isn't appealing. If I were you, I won't even sweat about this one because it comes with time.
another thing is, "there is no background", lack of background would deter readers from reading your work.
the color pallet makes no sense. it's random, it's everywhere, confusing. I can't speak on the story because i didn't read it so i'll leave that for someone else to tackle.
some of the panels are zoomed into the character's face but their facial detail is missing?
I will encourage you to study the at of paneling, learn color combinations, and practice background. I'm not saying all this would give you a high sub rate but it least it will be appealing enough for readers to want to give it a try and maybe sub.
@rm_manga gives a very good tip here. I have thought about giving up on my tapas books numerous times, but my friends supported me which gave me the will i needed to continue. Definitly a should do!
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