4 / 27
Mar 2021

I've been feeling kinda down about my series on canvas. I feel like I'm doing worse then usual. I don't really understand my views to subscribers ratio or what even really counts as a view but basically I have a lot of ppl viewing but nobody subscribing to it. And it just makes me feel sad. I see comics with stick figures & just random memes that viewer to subscriber ratio is better than mines and I don't understand why mines is so bad. I'm always trying to improve my art and give the few readers I have what they ask for & I'm just not getting much interaction or feedback from the webtoons audience.

Comic link:

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 26


  • 1.5k


  • 19


  • 43


  • 3


Gotta check out and tell you later on private if you don't mind.

Are you promoting your story well? I know it always hurts to see art/stories that aren't very good quality receiving more subs and views than yours, but sometimes it's because they just know how to promote. Could be they do a lot of sub for sub too.

I promote it a lot on my social medias I'm even in webtoon groups on FB but I haven't really done sub 4 sub guess its something to consider.

The thing about Webtoon is since it's the largest comic site, you will have a lot of competition. And on top of it all, each account can only subscribe to 100 Canvas series, so readers will be extra picky in choosing a series to sub to.

Webcomics are a long game, it can take years to get a following. You just gotta keep posting, keep practicing, and take it one step at a time.

EDIT: It seems WT lifted the 100 sub limit sometime a couple of years ago. News to me LOL
EDIT EDIT: They lifted the 100 series limit for their originals. The 100 limit still applies to Canvas. Thanks to dreamysheep.01 for clarifying!

EDITx3: So the limit is 300 for Canvas series. (thanks to Capsona for clarifying) UGH why even have a limit at all?

Thank you I'll do my best not to get subscriber struck cause I do want to see my series through till the end. Its just so easy to feel demotivated sometimes. But making art and comics makes me happy so I will continue to make them an audience will form at some point your right.

I think I get the feeling. It's hard not to judge your work by the way it has been received (because I do that, too), viewers are just people and that means fickle, hard to please & hard to figure out. I can tell you not to judge yourself that way but I don't always follow that advice, myself. I also think sometimes lots of people will hit LIKE if they see lots of others have already, so it's hard to "get the ball rolling."

how is your story different from others and why should it attract readers? do you draw for readers? for numbers? for yourself?
the color palette does not match the comedy genre
the font is low resolution and pixelated too much - at least put some quality in basic stuff and make it look neat if you can't draw well.
the story feels too generic from the description and neither description nor cover is catchy enough to start reading.

Hmm, it might be due to the algorithm. It can take a while to build up an audience haha

Don't just give readers what they ask for, what about the story you want to tell?

@wocalichofficial wocalichofficial
Don't just give readers what they ask for, what about the story you want to tell?


I have to criticize nowadays "fan" culture that destroys authors. Literally. If they dont like something they are capable to do anything to stop you creating. Very much like Annie Wilkes but with internet. If you dont create things the way they want, you have seen how rabid fandom acts, not only has happened for popular artists but Ive witnessed it with small artists as well (one artist I know from Canada receives a lot of offensive mail almost on daily basis, they even have hacked her blogs multiple times as well to make her stop drawing what she likes, but gladly shes strong and fights back)

Its time authors stop pleasing fans or potential fans and end frustrated with their works.

Hey there! I read the first 5 episodes of your comic (prologue and eps 1-4), and my gut reaction is that you may just be losing potential subs before reaching the story hook because your plot is a little slow to get going :sweat_smile:

Within the episodes that i've read nothing much has happened yet, besides the protagonist and his mentor bickering for 4 episodes straight. I don't know much about either of them or the new chief character other than that the protagonist doesn't want to be a hero (for some reason) and that the mentor is bad with names. Just now at the end of episode 4 (technically episode 5 unless people skip the prologue) there's a hint of things to come, the first possible plot hook... but even then I'm not that invested in it because I'm not particularly invested in the characters yet.

I agree with @magnavarra , particularly regarding the series summary. You may want to update or rewrite that to create some intrigue and get people interested in what's going to happen before they even click the first episode :slight_smile: If you can give people enough of a teaser to want to see what is going to happen from the summary, then they might be more willing to stick around to see that come to fruition. Currently it just tells us that the MC doesn't want to be a hero, and the prologue verifies that fact, so I feel like my expectations have already been met. You want to craft it such that it leads readers deeper into the story.

Don´t feel down. I know how you feel - I had a YouTube channel with some videos that hit over 4k of views in just a month, but with only 1 like on it and 100 subscribers and no feedback. Sadly a lot of clicks come from bots. The moment you post a link somewhere you can be sure at least 10 views are just done by them.

Heck, the comic I am helping to create at the moment, has the same problem. But here we have one or two people who like it and comment on it.

But, don´t fall in this category of "More clicks, more viewers" - concentrate on the real viewers you have and create something good and memorable. for them. They are the ones you should look after because they will, as time passes on share your comic and bring new readers.

Yes I know, it isn't the answer you might want to hear, but as I said, I know how you feel.

@Afrofairy96 sorry, I can't help, but I kinda feel the same. I don't know how long you did that comic, but I'm just been around a month and already can sympathize.. :cry: