8 / 47
Nov 2022

Yeah, the average age is older than you think. People who started reading webcomics in their teens and got into drawing them can easily be in the 35-40 region these days. If you're a millennial, you're in good company. I was born in the Thatcher era. :sweat_02:

33 years old here!

...Back in my day, modems made weird noises and phones had buttons, you guys :cry_01:

I am also 33 so no worries, you are not the only one above 30 here.

Oh yeah, I started reading webcomics in high school and I'm over 30! I first tried making comics as a teen/college student, took a break to git gud (as it were) and now I'm back.

Im 30 and I live at home. My parents


are forcing me to pay for You Tube Tv or move out. I dont have enough money to move out.

Also 38, I'm lurking here everyday lol. I'm more active on Discord and Twitter.

I actually just turned 30 and very active on Tapas with a few in progress web novels. I'm also active on the discord and forums too.