18 / 28
Apr 2021

Having goals is good. But they can be dissatisfacory when they are too vague, longterm or unrealistic.

so a goal was to reach the 500 milestone... but why? what does that number mean to you?

the same with "making a living". what exactly does that entrail?
patreon, kofi, ink etc are all great, but until you are a featured creator on some platforms, it won't be very reliable for income. and you would definitely need more than this one leg to stand on.

that doesn't mean it's not something to work towards!

the key is, work tho. to make a living off of it, will mean that this would be your fultime job, aka your comic would need to be professional.
and bluntly put.. its not (sugarcoating won't help you, I hope this is okay. but I really see your struggle)

so goals that would maybe make more sense than reaching a sub count, would be to figure out what makes Popular comics popular and what sets them apart from your work.

seek out feedback, try to improve your lines and colors, your anatomy and expressions.
maybe find an editor who can tell you when text is to big (the first exposition, I had to zoom out a lot to read it comfortably... and I think the start would actually be more intruiging with just the visuals alone. a child in tatters begging the sky and then a giant scorpion schows up?? that's really cool! don't distract from it with exposition that will not stick in your readers head)

your comic is absolutely fine for a fun project, don't get me wrong.
the art isn't terrible (even with its really heavy lines and oversaturated and clashing colors) it's definitely good enough that the reader can enjoy the story.

but you want it to be more than a hobby, so the comic needs to be better than an hobbyist's

I actually agree with you. Yes, I know my own comic still needs a lot of work, but I also know there are comics that are not as high quality as mine and make more money. But that's how the world is and I don't want to cry about that, because it's useles to do so. All you can do is go on and improve, or die trying, that's how it is and no way around it.

This was not about numbers and what they mean to me, and not really about the comic itself. This is more of a personal thing. I guess I'm just tired when bad things happen on days when I actually achieve something and make me feel like total shit. Even though i should be happy. Not sure if everyone can relate to that. I'm proud of what I achieved, I love my comic, I am grateful for my readers and all friends I made witht his comic. In my eyes, it is succesful and I'm sure I can make it better over time, but right now I am sad, because my big achievement was spoiled like this. And I wanted people to remember that numbers don't solve your life problems. I need this comic to succeed and I work hard for that and if I can't make it, it's totally my responsibility and fault. But at the same time, I you go through constant shit every day and hope your art can make your life better, it just hurts when something like this happens. I hope you can understand what I mean by all this.

As stated many times by now, especially here in 2021:
“The Wild West of webcomic is over”

And if you want to make it a living?
Webcomic is a craft like anything else now. Are good with wood? Then find a company that hires carpenter.
Are you good at fixing cars? Then find a shop that hires mechanics.

Are you good at webcomics then get hired to do so.

I have been in this for 3 years now and I joined this just at the peak where “everyone” could get rich on whatever webcomic they made and I hoped to ride that wave, but it is over now.

I actually never heard of or imagined the “The Wild West of webcomic". I always knew it will be hard, but I never stopped thinking it's possible. I was making art for a long time, long before I came here on Tapas, I know how cruel the art world is. but you know, you saying those things kinda reminds me why I started and that I still want to go on and try.

As a novelist, I totally get your frustration, exasperation? I am around the 400 sub mark and while I love my readers to bits, I do find myself questioning the big "what now?" I'd love my series to be profitable but considering the types of novels that are getting publishing offers on online platforms, I don't have much of a chance.

I actually don't think you need a publishing offer to get big. I know people who did it without being hired by some company and made big banks just by making their art. I wouldn't give up on that. Yes, it may sound naive and not everyone can do it, but practically it's possible. Don't give up on that just yet.

I think it's pretty normal to hit a big milestone and get filled with just instant "Oh no." That's what I got when I was handed my illlustration diploma and realized I had No Idea What I Was Going To Do and that I Could Not Draw Yet and that I was in fact competing with my professors...it sucks!

It's important to see yourself as someone on your own journey that maybe doesn't look like other people's journey's. To recognize that this is a step towards a bigger goal, and yeah that goal feels really, really far away--but even if you have to do some other part time or full time jobs for a while, even if you have to step back occasionally, it's fine. You will live a really, really long time.

But does it feel like a drain when you see how far away it is? yeah. I think that's part of starting out in art is getting met with the humbling reality that it takes kind of a long time to live off of it fully. You do have to set your expectations lower, but not so low that you assume everything will fail and your self confidence gets shot. There's this happy medium where you can see your journey for what it is, and I'm personally still learning how to see it.

dunno if that helps to think of it that way, but it's something I'm recognizing more and more as I get older and I have to redefine what success is for me when my initial dreams didn't work out the way I thought they would.

Numbers aren't going to make anyone happy, unless that person hasn't yet learned that numbers aren't the most meaningful metric. It's why I hate seeing all these sub-for-sub threads... Those people are going to regret doing that, eventually.

What will make a creator happy is engagement. Comments, likes, conversations between fans. That's what I look forward to every week. If you wanted to encourage more of that, maybe you could put a question for people to answer at the bottom of each episode you post. Also, you may already do this, but make sure you respond to each comment people leave! It's not only fun to chat with your readers, but people will be more inclined to comment when they know you'll read and respond.

I looked at your comic, buddy, you're not gonna make a living with it, even if your coloring is really smooth. You need to improve a LOT before people are willing to pay for what you're showing here. I'd actually recommend that you stop, re-evaluate your skills, end your webcomic on a 'To Be Continued...', work on your anatomy as hard as you possibly can, really take yourself to the next level. Then launch a SHORT project, like twenty pages or so (like a standard comic book issue), with what you come up with after that.

Your patrons are incredibly kind to be giving you anything at all. You should re-invest the funds they give you and teach yourself something new that will put you at the cutting edge, instead of drilling forward with the same old tools, going in circles while the walls collapse behind you. I've been there - it's better just to rip off the band-aid and start fresh.

Hi maybe take a pause ? i do that too when i'm upset about something and when i came back i'm all fresh to go again :3

This is an excellent point! Focusing too much on numbers will lessen enjoyment of creation and increase anxiety about art performance. Social media is just a bunch of charades, afterall. What happens when you reach 1K? You want 10K. When you reach 10K? 100K! The cycle is endless and brutal. What was that one saying...? "The only way to win is not to play." Numbers don't equal money, fame, nor emotional fulfillment. They don't even really guarantee you're being seen by the "right" people. (Especially if you join a bunch of trends or threads where people feel obligated to interact!) It's easy to get numbers if you know how to play the game. But less easy to get true engagement.

And I agree that engagement is what you should look forward too. Those are the people who genuinely like your work. I always feel warm and fuzzy when I upload a new chapter and get comments from my readerbase. :heart: But I don't stare at my Tapas (or other socials) all day either. (Not saying op does this but if anyone does, please be kinder to your mind! I've known people who do this with their socials and it makes me sad. The internet is not a substitute for your offline life!)

(Sorry for long post. The psychology of technology and the impact on the human mind is a topic that has been fascinating me a lot recently. I'm watching the evolution of the web over here in my omnipresent void lol.)

I agree with the posts above. If you're in it for money, e-fame (subs) or whatever vain reasons you're going to have a bad time lol.

Your goal/reason for drawing is the most important source of motivation in my opinion, finding that might be the best step.

*on a more critical note, I do think you have years of study to do (great thing tbh, only way is up!) before you can compete with professionals.

@MeltingCORE @Kaydreamer

I guess I put it in the wrong way, but my problem is not engagement. I talk to my readers and they are amazing. I have a great community. This was more about me being so sad, even when we reached such a milestone. But not because of people and engagement, but things that occurred in real life. Yes, I wanted my comic to succeed to make money and that is something to work on. But I would make my followers very dirty if I would say they are not engaging enough. That's not the point.

After giving it some thought, I think I just burned out. I wanted this thing to succeed so bad, but I didn't give it enough time to grow and become what I always wanted. Maybe I need to step back, practice and then come back, but not push it.

This is a sensible approach.

I understand that you're very keen for your comic to make money. I respect that, and I totally get how you'd see it as a potential means of escape from an unpleasant living situation. No judgement from me on that goal.

But with that goal in mind, I will give you the best advice I can as somebody who has been in the industry as a professional for years:
If your number one goal is to make money from your art, then your number one priority is to make your art as a product that will sell, to the point that it may be necessary to sacrifice some of the project's personal appeal in favour of a style, genre and content that will appeal to the audience.

I make a pretty personal comic. Errant isn't well-optimised to make money on this platform, like it's not a sure-fire hit. The artstyle doesn't match the most popular comics here, it's in one of the less popular genres on the site, it doesn't have an easy elevator pitch. It's a gamble, taking a chance on the hope that maybe I can make a project I'm passionate about and have it see some moderate success... but it's a gamble I can take because I have a day job that comfortably pays my rent and another, more likely profitable project in the wings. This allows me to make a very personal comic filled with all the things that I love; gutsy ladies, deconstruction of patriarchal narratives, bright colours etc.

If I was desperate to make money though, like say I lose my job and I'm like "oh crap. I need to make a comic that'll make me money to live on." I wouldn't make a comic like Errant. I'd make something with a hot protagonist set in a more generic Fantasy world, maybe even an isekai, and it'd have a really simple big concept to the story like "Oh no, I was reincarnated as a dragon slayer, but I discovered the dragons are nice and I want to save them all!" Basically I'd research what's popular on Tapas and I'd imitate it. Sure, put my own spin on it, but I'd jump on those tropes and trends and try to make something that fits in. It'd be unlikely to be a big classic that people remember for years, but have a pretty high chance of being a solid, good performer that makes okay money. A safe product that supplies where there's demand.
I'm not necessarily a fan of the fact that under capitalism making a work of art that's a personal passion project is a privilege afforded to only those with money and/or a big fanbase, but unfortunately that's the hand we're dealt. Your modern/sci-fi adventure comic about a sibling relationship with a slow plotline that's not an easy "elevator pitch" is clearly something you're very passionate about personally, but may not be the best project if your goal is "get to the point where my comic can make money as fast as possible on Tapas, a platform where the majority of users are 20 year old women."

As others have said, a break or short comic to study and build your skills is probably a good idea. Your work isn't miles off professional quality, but it's not quite there yet, with the main weaker areas that need focus being colour theory, anatomy, line weight/tension and panel composition/visual storytelling. While poor looking comics can sometimes succeed, they're more commonly comedic in nature, or while rough, have some kind of overall charm and consistency to them where they can pull it off. Try to compare your work to people working in the same sort of genre and style to you for a better guage of where you stand in terms of quality, and for inspiration on where you need to improve.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do when you come back! Feel free to add me on Discord, mine is irondust#1445.

Sorry, sometimes I am quite slow with the replies, very slow.

I think my biggest problem is that i put too much pressure on this thing and in the end it somehow led to something like burn out. I like my story, but for some time now it is connected with stress and not that much fun, I think that's the time when you should stop and think.

I don't see the problem in the tory itself. I know Tapas is mostly filled with typical romance stories, but I found here many people who share my interests. And there are also other platforms. After all, I built quite a nice community over here, at least when I compare it to other people’s stories, I think I did pretty well.I don’t want to make comics just for money and loose it’s identity in the process, that was never the plan, even though it may look like that. I want to tell this story, because I feel like it could really succeed. I watch people and their patterns and know what some people did to get popular, so I don't think the story is a problem. It's the execution.

I seriously don't know why I decided to waste so much time in the first two chapters. Well, actually I do, I didn't know where to start, lol. In the moment you put such a big pressure on your project, you will ruin it and yourself.

I know this can be a greatest stroy ever, but all of you are right guys, I should take a break and rethink stuff. Rework it and increase the skill. I would love thsi thing to look preffesional I really do, but maybe I should give it a break and focus on other stuff. I can draw fan art and make some commissions while working on Synastry to make it as good as possible. Maybe i just forgot what it’s like to have actual fun with the art.
and thanks, that’s very nice to hear. i always felt like my art is not that good and maybe I don’t have the skill or talent, but hearing people say that may be not true is nice. I guess i just need to work on it.

Hey Lunar
I totally get the dream/goal part of what has frustrated you. I went though this wayyyyy back in the early 2000's when making animation.

You may need to think hard on the following...on the hypothesis that Synastry will be hugely successful for you.
How long will Synastry go on for?
Would you realistically make enough money every month, every year for the long foreseeable future from Synastry?
How would you keep you supporters interested many years down the line? How much sacrifice are you willing to make with your baby?
Would you really want to eventually make Synastry via the demands of your supporters to keep that cash flow going?

Would you really want this baby to no longer be yours?

Even successful comics lose their interest/support over time. No matter how hard you work.
Its worse these days with the short attention span people have XD

I don't want to rain on your dreams...that is one thing people cannot take from you. Create. Improve. Go for it and I wish you the very best of luck!

Yours sincerely,

Mr 41 subs and only around 9 genuine readers (you being one of them) XD

I think I may have answers for these questions

How long? Very long, I am one of those people who are obsessed with long storytelling and deep lore, so I have material for a very long time.

Who knows. Maybe if I really put my hard work into it and get on a pro level, I may, but if I don't try I will never know. I was never humble when it came to imagination about the success, I always haoped tht maybe one day it can become a franchise, but I guess I slow it down myself right now.

I always make a lot of side stuff besides the main comic, so I'm sure I would be able to keep them entertained. If they can get engaged and care about story, I don't think it's a problem. And I already made a lot of sacrifices. My art was aways one of the few things that keep me sane, I always needed it in my life, so I devote to it.

Synastry is part of my life on many levels. I don't think i will ever get tired of it, so i don't think i would ever continue just for the money.

No, my baby will always be mine. Because fuck disney and everyone else who buys IPs and then turnes them into something horrible. Just no, lol.

And yeah, that happens, ut I don't think people should worry about it. It happens to some and not to others, you may never know, so why worry.

I think about such things all the time, but it never stopped me in believing I can achive something. Everyone had to start somewhere.

And yes, keep on doing a good job :smiley: