272 / 4426
Sep 2021

Battle shonen novel. Newest chapter is out right now.

Chapter 17th of Centris "Is it just me?" is out! I hope you enjoy it.

Hey, my crows, I'm about to finish my mute comic, Raven Knight, or at least his first arc.
If you want to read it, it consumed quickly and has no words. It is about a crow knight in a medieval setting.
Enjoy it.

Raven Knight Comic

Hi! I updated 2 days ago, as every monday!

We finally reached the end of chapter 1, this is just starting!

new episode :smiley:

recent thing

I stayed up late just to update my comic once again... I just really enjoy drawing my protags being creepy, lol.

Updating in one hour!

Heyyyy I update every friday morning!

Hey, hello, my boys. I just begins my new superhero webcomic, "Cheap Heroes", with gifs, colours and bilingual format (The text changes from english to spanish when 7 seconds past and returns). If you are instested in my new project, enjoy it!

(I update 12-16 panels a week in two chaps, mondays and fridays)

Updated like one or two hours ago