26 / 45
Sep 2016

Yeah, I feel ya, I mean, I think it is important to have a balance between views a subs, a healthy ratio is important to have a creator motivated to continue crafting.

I don't do it for the subs, I create for myself, all of that it's true, but the extrinsic motivators are also important, so again, balance is the key.

It is worse when one updates and one gets 5 unsubs (dies)........ No option here, gotta keep pushin' if u really want it, constantly review your craft, where can I find flaws, where (and how) can I grow to attract more readers while being faithful to what I want to do. Cos doing something to get the love of others, I don't think that's the road to walk.

Good luck, cheers. Oo.oO

I think that right there is the common thread. We feel bad when we suspect people are not interested because we're doing a terrible job. Some people feel that way when they see low views; others feel that way when they see low subs, low likes, comments, etc. It's not the numbers that get us down. It's the voice telling us that we're not good enough.

The important thing to keep in mind is that none of those factors proves that we're doing a bad job. There could be a hundred different reasons for why you're not getting many X.

That said... it feels a bit... lame to assume the best in spite of a really prominent factor or two, doesn't it? You don't wanna wallow in self-pity, but you also don't wanna just sit there patting yourself on the back. Neither is productive. There could be something you could do to change things for the better.

I'm in that boat myself. I've been trying to figure out what I need to do differently make my comic the best it can be. I don't have any magic answers to make this boat go any faster or smoother... All I can do is keep on rowing against the waves.

I definitely know the feeling! I had been working on my comic here for almost a year before I finally hit 100 subscribers. Just barely made it, haha! But I find what's most important isn't necessarily the numbers, but the people, however few, you have regularly interacting with your comic. Now that my comic has surpassed a year old, I've found, slowly but surely the people who stick with you and care about your work are who are important. A year ago I didn't imagine I'd have that, and it's very rewarding. Keep going, and your hard work will pay off smile

For what its worth, I follow your comic and really like it. wink

I hear you OP. I was doing Tapastic for over 2 years, still never had more than 50 subs. But now I'm relaunching, I feel better about the story in this new form. I think to most important thing is to do it for the love of the story, but there are certainly days when you wish that you had more people seeing your art because of all the hard work you put into it. All I can do is keep making art and keep learning, pushing myself to do more and try more, and just enjoy making comics for the sake of making comics.

I think all artists reach this low moments, then suddenly you get up high again, then when you question yourself and your skill again youll be in the low again. I think thats the sign your improving! You said it urself,your doing this because its fun so keep drawing ( in my experience, everytime i draw my anxieties, doubts, fears, you forget them, thats why you should draw when ur in a low state)

i recommend you to watch the documentary about takehiko inoue (creator of slam dunk, real and vagabond) my hero. Youl find a lot of things there, especially intimate ones, including his art blocked days, days when he cant draw a page for that week, hell! Even his 1 year hiatus!

New here myself, and it appears that a good 80% of the comics on this site have under 100 subscribers. Not sure if that's also to do with this site being new(ish) or social media/past comics contributing to the massive popularity to other comics. Currently, I'm scrolling through about 800 different creations and subbing to the ones I like.

The one thing I'm not sure on is that after white listing tapastic on my adblock, I'm not sure if just having them off gives creators a share of ad revenue, or if I have to physically click the ads (or even purchase what is being advertised) for the comic creator to get ad revenue. I've tried looking it up in the policies area, but I may be overlooing something.

It does count people more then once right? So every time all the subscribers comes back so check out new pages there will be more views right? So its not like 900 views and 50 subs means that out of 900 visitors there where 50 that subbed?

Hey thanks everyone! I'm feeling better now. Guess it helps to know I'm not the only one who gets down about this stuff. I'm feeling motivated again!

Oooh that sounds interesting. I'll definitely look that up. Always like seeing manga artists work.

Why be disheartened when your art has improved so much over such a short period of time? Your quality of your lines has increased drastically from your first pages to the latest ones. That is one of the greatest accomplishments as well as the most useful ones.

Well said. Its weird how it just creeps up on you. First its just you drawing a line a little thinner or a little thicker than you usually do and then one day, you don't even recognize the person from the older pages.

I feel this.
I think its mainly because of my art and style. But oh well!

I actually don't care about the views, but the comments! I want to hear what they think about the update, or what they noticed so far. (One kind soul had commented that they noticed I had a drawing mistake in one of my pages - I fixed it right away)

Things like feedback are way more fun than seeing a number go up.

11 days later

It's true.. Comment is a must but i need to work hard on my comics. maybe someday for the first time i got my first comment. \o/

I have been here with my comic for almost a year now, and I haven't hit 50 subs yet, if that's to any comfort ^^;
I'm super grateful over the dedicated people who likes and comments though, they always make my week brighter <3
In the end, I'm making the comic for myself, because I have these characters that need to tell their story, and if I didn't draw or tell, I'd go crazy, hehe XD

1 month later

Definitely know how you feel bro. Im in the same position. Just have to keep working and hope for the best.

The current issue I'm having is that my comic gets hella views- but most people are looking at it on a computer/laptop(with ad blocker on) or not using the Tapas app, so my ad rev $$$ has been squat.