12 / 23
Aug 2019

ok this was interesting.

marius the red.

my side kick MB

(why is he more horny than me? he's ten!)

my ward Immy

wont be happy about the stupid and baby thing

snow white

not so good

red of the riding hood.

this one is spot on.

what is uwu ?

UWU is a emote face I know, like closed eyes with a smile, so maybe like pacifist/cute ?

Oh man and I just was having a tin hat theory that the thing works off number of letters in the name, so the shorter the name the lower the stats would be - which is why Will and Crow's utilized their full names, and their sum of the stats is higher than @punkarsenic's and then punk had to do "Ash" and blew it out the window.

No sure about this but with her luck she's certainly cursed :sweat_smile:

This one was strangely accurate, hmm...

This guy is a wild card so it's kinda accurate. They only missed the chaotic part.

Then, randomly clicking on other generators suggested, I used the Power Generator3 because why not, my characters have powers after all, and got this. I even made some fine art to illustrate the results.

(aww he almost got to be Magneto)

I thought he would be more cursed but as suspected deep down he's a soft boi underneath that very abrasive exterior.
Christopher Valentine

Stupidity and selective obliviousness look similar but they aren't the same, I never expected a horny meter of 7 but this test thought so.

John Carter