5 / 13
Sep 2024

Ok, so my whole life I’ve called it Manga (main-gah). Recently Adult Swim in Canada has been advertising a show based on something the narrator calls “Mun-gah”. My husband says that’s how it’s pronounced.

How do you all pronounce it? Main-gah or Mun-gah?

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    Sep '24
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    Sep '24
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Mun-gah is closer to how I pronounce it. I speak Spanish and the vowel sounds are pronounced pretty much the same way as in Japanese so I tend to pronounce it a 'lil different.

This has been a thing that has happened for the last 10-15 years. Decades old anime are now being pronounce differently. Manga was always Main-ga.

It's Mah-n-ga, but you don't stress the syllables. When written out in Japanese it's 3 characters まんが, which means that is how it's pronounced.

I pronounce it the same way as japanese, mostly since vowel sounds are similar to Spanish, especially Argentinian spanish.

Someone has said like saying mango, which is true

It's pronounced "Man-ga", like how most British accents say "man" like the human. It's a Japanese word so you just look up the hiragana and read it (or get Google to read it). I'm really confused how anyone would read it "mainga" though...

Honestly, same...^^; I've never heard either of those pronunciations before...

Maybe it's a Canadian thing; here in the States it's usually MAN-ga vs. MON-ga...with most people accepting MON-ga as the "correct" pronunciation, simply because it adheres to American English's unspoken rules about how 'foreign words' should be pronounced...not because it actually sounds anywhere near accurate.

I've always found it really unnecessary to deform Japanese words like that when we already have similar vowels in English (in this case, a short 'a') that are totally OK to use. As someone who can understand spoken Japanese to a degree; it's a lot easier to understand someone simply speaking Japanese with an American accent than to try and decipher the "Japanglish" that most anime fans use...

I've heard a lot of "MAIN-ga" and "annie-may" in the States, at least in Texas where I grew up :joy: the vowels were chewed and stressed like crazy.

Hakeiiiii 🩵
I live near Fukuoka and my mom says "fukioki" :skull:

I've been living in Japan for over 6 years and my spouse is from here.

It's ma-n-ga. Anything else I secretly judge.