3 / 8
Jun 2024

Now would you read or look at this when I release it or it could be better? :eyes:

I don't know if the art is eye catching enough either, just seeing if it's me or just not the right people seeing it. :,(

  • created

    Jun '24
  • last reply

    Jun '24
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The overall impression of your cover art is balanced for colour, how you've spaced your characters and it's dynamic, but given the new size Tapas has implemented for series title pages (small and narrow especially on the phone version), it may be hard for a reader scrolling through the list of series to figure out what yours is about and they may not click on it. You may want to reduce the number of characters featured so that it's easier for potential readers to see your character designs/story genre. Plus your title at the bottom isn't going to be visible at all with the way Tapas's new title format works.

I think the whole title isn't visible is the point, necause they do an embre and put your title over that. The purple peeps might be in trouble too, but I wouldn't worry about the title

I think the cover potential is there to be even greater!

First, I gotta say the logo is fancy but very hard to read with its many thin lines, kinda like death metal band logos.

Second, the current visual hierarchy has me focusing on the big red guy in the back, but only him. Everyone else blends in with each other.

My suggestion would be to change the sizes of a few characters:

And if you want to push the hierarchy even further:

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Omg, thank you for the explanation as well as the example I love the dynamic of it in the version you edited, I never would have thought of that! I could give that a shot and definitely make it work then! would there be anything else? I'll make sure to do something about the logo so it can be seen more as well