14 / 18
Oct 2024

Im working on my comic script as I go and while Im doing it, one of my MCs have managed to do the thing where they start to develop on their own and youre just writing out how they want to be portrayed. Im fine with it of course, I like it, but Im not sure if its happening too fast or if its even something that people would like. My comic hasnt gotten to the peak part yet as Im not even sure the script has, but what are yalls opinions?

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    Oct '24
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    Oct '24
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Villainous protagonists absolutely can be done. In fact, I love writing from my villains' POV myself, haha. Following a character who doesn't always make ethical decisions can be quite enjoyable.

The only thing I would be wary of is framing it as though the character is always making ethical decisions. I think most readers are smart enough to know when a fictional character is doing something wrong, but if the character is never called out on it, readers might start doing it for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think your MC can be a villain. My opinion on it is that it's fine as long as it's not, yk, advocating villainy. Sometimes it can be interesting to read from a/the villain's perspective. Some of my central characters in my own novels are rather villainous

Ummm, it means as long as writers aren't advocating tw// murder, kidnapping, abuse, manipulation etc. A villain can be an interesting character, but they shouldn't be painted as admirable.

I don't see a problem with it as long as you portray the villain like a real villain would act. The most horrible people in the world (Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,...pick one) don't think they are evil. The more cartoonish you make them, the more unbelievable they become. Most of the time they think of themselves as the good guys, doing what is right for their country/people. And they make very good arguments to prove they are the good guys. A story of a badguy that convinces the readers he's right and at the end proving he is actually a badguy is interesting. A protagonist that just acts bad because he is a bad guy but the story is about him is usually boring.

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Did that before...

My MC in Brood Knight

He's leveled up to become the final boss in MAG-ISA...

It’s been done many times, and it can work very well if done right.

Shrek was a villain.
Megamind was a villain.
Gru (Despicable Me) was a villain. And the Minions were villains.

Even on TV, some of the favourite characters in TV shows are the villains. Herbert the Pervert from Family Guy. Mr Burns from The Simpsons. Rick, from Rick and Morty. And heck, everybody who has ever watched a Warners Brothers cartoon was rooting for Sylvester the cat (vs that simpering Tweety Bird), Wile E Coyote (vs that annoying Roadrunner), and the farm yard dog (vs Foghorn Leghorn).

Go for it! Have fun!

just PLLEAASSSEEE don't do the "im not really evil the system is" trope i beg of you....

Thank you all for your insights!! Without giving away too much yet, technically they do think they're right for kidnapping the other MC from their pov. It is shown in a way that kinda makes sense to the reader but it is ALSO shown as a bad thing overall. Definitely not advocating for it and in no way making it seem actually okay! Ofc I have to draw it out a bit because of logical human brain, but shes not gonna be the 'villain' the whole time! If yall ever read Im totally open to suggestions and feedback in comments!

I LOVE stories with the MC being a villain/antagonist. It's such an interesting twist. Do it do it do it