3 / 18
Mar 2024

So a lot of promotions threads here are sub for sub. Now, my opinion, is that sub4sub is practically useless, since all it does is clog up your notifications with stories you’ll never read, and you just get a lot of subscribers and low interaction.
But I wanna know other peoples opinions. Does anyone actually think sub4sub does something?

  • created

    Mar '24
  • last reply

    Mar '24
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I’m vocal about how much I hate the idea of it. Reeks of desperation and just not giving a damn about the hours an author put into their work.

I especially hate the like-bombing tactic which is an attempt to catch a person into following you by liking all their stuff in 10 seconds. 40 odd chapters? All liked at 10:32. I hate it. If you like dark drama / dark fantasy, give my work a read. I know you’ll enjoy it, otherwise… shrugs

I don't like sub4sub. I like reading stuff I actually like - if I like a story that is under topic sub4sub, I will follow, but only then :slight_smile:

I'll admit that when I first started here I fell into that trap. It didn't take long to figure out that it was useless though. Subs aren't what counts. Views, likes, and comments - things that show actual reading and interaction - those are what count.

I think it's fine for those who does it. Maybe the algorithm or something if any of that exist, their story would benefit from that. I don't think that's a thing on Tapas, maybe.

Though, I would advise most to just, not spend their time doing that since it isn't worth much, other than perhaps maybe some find doing that stuff to an encouragement of one another or a positive aspect of the community, supporting one another through that aspect.

Then there's the rare rare rare chance that a person who sub for sub actually would have sub without the sub for sub.

I don't think it should be look down upon, 'cause I do think that encouragement is 'good', and some people will earnestly check out others writing.

Beyond that, I don't think there's much to it. The idea of a 'sub', is someone who genuinely enjoy your story and would actually like to read the next chapter when it's updated. If we're talking earnest, then it shouldn't be called 'sub for sub' in that regard, it should just be like, check out my story, I'll check out your.

My overall thought is like, I rather have 1 person whom actually enjoy my story rather than 100 whom earnestly thinks its terrible. Which is fine, I think you try to find the audience that you're writing toward and build that audience naturally overtime.

But, some people will equate the numbers of sub they have to their success or approval, so I can understand that too. Though, I would advise, that's not a healthy way to perceive things.

I want people to read my story, not pretend to like it so I can pretend to like theirs.

I'm quite new to Tapas, I started first on Wattpad.
The forum thing was new for me, and I think it's something that really has good parts, cause you're able to promote your story by yourself, and don't have to wait to be "caught" by some algorythm or "discovered" by important people (or something like that). And of course, talking about other stuff, may it be writing related or not.
So I use the promotion threads (and sometimes others), but I try to avoid those that clearly say "sub for sub".
Yes, I would like to see my numbers rise, to be honest. It would feel good.
But if there's no real interaction, it also feels empty.
I'm looking for people who want to read my stuff. And I want to have novels/ comics in my list that I'm really interested in. (I'm even annoyed by the suggestions Tapas makes through "gifts" and "messages".^^)
So no, I'm definitely not into the sub for sub thing.

It doesn't really do anything as far as interaction since everyone who does it just wants to boost their numbers, but I can see how it would be good for morale. Newer users might be more motivated if they have a handful of subs to start with. I've never used that strategy either here or on WP just because I want people to sub because they like my work.

I'm personally a fast reader BUT yes its very obvious when someone just spams to get your attention

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I see what you all are talking about I agree not going to lie it is desperation. I hate it also, but also hate when you ask nicely someone yells at you about sub for sub being lame and they would never check out my work because of it. which has happened to me. A, "I'm sorry I don't sub for sub." toxic comments are not needed. anyway, the spamming likes I don't like either to be honest if I see that I unsub to their work. it might be rude, but it is a lot ruder to just like 15 chapters with 1 sec. yes, I do sub for sub, wish I didn't but I don't know how to get people which crushes me. (If you want to check my work and writing that is fine, I do like my readers. I am sorry for ignoring I want to read after of the people I sub but reading is an issue for me.)

It's okay in my opinion, and even better if the person that subbed to your story and waits for your sub in exchange, wants to know you, the story writer or artist a little bit better.

At the risk of sounding like a child:

It's so beg-y and "I don't care about my story/people enjoying it I just want subs" which... why? That's baffling to me.

At most i think having subs helps with getting into the algorithm and thus with getting revenue in some way, but otherwise its not good. Those subs arn't going to interact or comment, imagine having 100 subs and 10 views per ep...id rather have 5 comments than 300 subs honestly