besides writing There was a War, I also write fiction and poetry, and im studying technical theatre - i wanna specialise in design, set mainly but maybe lighting too.
I make video games fulltime : 0
Some of my titles are Drawful 2
Tee K. O.
And... a lot more that I did less art on. The ones above are all my art, so they're cooler to show off : D
I also do illustration, fine arts, and I'm recently spending a lot of time doing creative writing for publication. And this is why I never have time for my comic . ..
Except for Magic Advisor I like making jewellery, sewing and traditional ink art

@joannekwan I love what you have sewn! I hope you get time to do more sewing soon! You are really good!
@hades I love your bjds! I am getting one myself soon. I am so excited!
Oooh nice topic ^^
I do a bit of everything to be honest. There's never a dull moment in what I do XD
I'm an amateur selftaught animator, doing short animations in Flash for fun.
Or gifs.
And speaking of Flash, I was working on a text adventure/visual novel game demo in that program too.
I also tried making a typical text adventure in the Quest program.
I wanted to make a visual novel in the Renpy program, with a team of people.
I am a writer, so I uploaded a bunch of chapters of various stories.
I tried making some fake anime screenshots too, trying to imitate the TV quality:
I put everything in my Deviantart:
And here are my works on Tapastic:
Well I do 3d modeling
I started by working for the stargate mod Pegasus Chronicle :
and now that I am in a school for this I made this for a class :
My deviant art
Professionally, I work in the games industry on a Square Enix-published mobile game. At home, I'm making my own game1, and I also like to write and take photographs.
I went to school for drawing and painting but haven't done much of it since I graduated a year ago. Finding a job, moving, and keeping up with my webcomic made it a little difficult but I'm trying to get back into the habit. Here's a link to my work: anthonycamarota.com1.
My undergraduate work was directly influenced by comics. I was making abstract paintings that referenced the visual tools of comics (mainly speech bubbles), seeing how they worked in a different medium (examples here). As the work continued, the comic influence became less appairant but it was still prevalent. In the later works (examples)1, I was depicting spaces with a very graphic/paired-down style that was very "comic-esque." Scott McCloud's discussion on how comics depict life in "Understanding Comics" was a big influence on my work.
As I said, I'm trying to find some more time for these so I would love for people to take a look and let me know what they think!
I work on Viedeos, simple animations and some 3D Animation.
Trailer for my comic Patterns in Snow: ( I upload all that stuff on my Youtube)
Then I write Books more or less pasionatly _ I would love to show you but most of them are not uploaded and they are in German too. I hope to finish one of them completly of soon and will try to get it published then!
Next I am pretty obsessed with oil and acrylics, but somehow seem to really have an artblock right now I can´t draw it drives me mad D:
This is a study i did1
This is my mom in oil WiP1
Then I dabbled into Games but do you think I will show you that shit? (Psht you can see me play one of my games on my youtube)
I plan to do a childreens book soon (a pretty uncoventional one about me and my brothers crazy but amazing childhood)
And last but not least I want to do tutorials on Youtube, Reacts, let´s Play and generally more Videos.I only have to pick up all my bravery for that ...
It's been a while since I don't update my comics... >.<
but anyway, at the moment I'm making a game: LoNELY
So, I'm working in the art and animation of the project.1
(yes, I need to improve my animations =P)
I also do some illustrations (digital & traditional)...
Right now, I'm trying to get into that thing that's like comics but with only words describing everything instead of art...what's it called? Oh yeah, WRITING.
Or at least I'm trying to write a dark fantasy novel, the series being called "Velis". Whether or not it'll successfully go anywhere is still up for debate. XP I couldn't resist making some art for it though -
You can kinda watch it's progress and get chapters through my Patreon.
Other than that? Not a whole lot else outside of comic work. There are many things I'd LIKE to I used to dabble with animation, but I just don't have the time for it and other random hobbies anymore. XP
Ooohh ! This is so cool to read what everyone else is doing!
Right now, 98% of my free time goes into my comic! But in the remaining 2 percent..
I run a graphic design "store" (etsy), make speed arts on youtube (I'd really like to upload more.. but there's just so little time), and I'm in the verrryyy early stages of game development (?)[**]
[**]For my next comic/project, I want the story to be super interactive and have like, HTML games, animations, and just really branch out from the traditional comic form but we'll see
Ohhh and I'm preparing for my first convention!
@quietsnooze oh my god, is that an Abed plush??? I love it!!
Anyway, as for me, I sew plushies and cosplay, sculpt, and have also been known to occasionally customize things like MLP toys (I've got a car model right now that I've been planning on turning into Jimmy Gibb's Jr's car from Left 4 Dead 2 that I'm thinking of finally getting to soon). I haven't gotten to do a whole lot in awhile due to a NUMBER of circumstances, but now that life is settling down a little I'm hoping to get back to it.
I also do spritework and was planning on making a game for a long time there and DID get somewhere with it, but ultimately stopped and haven't touched it in awhile either.
I make Youtube videos! Coming up on 100k subscribers aaaaaaa ;A; )/
It's all like drawing challenges and drawing advice videos. uwu
I do quite a bit of other stuff, although the list is pretty extensive. The other activities that have a lot of my focus however are my Voice Acting (demo reel here!), and cosplaying! Uploads aren't working for me, so please accept some links! ;o; Here's Zelda1, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Princess Mononoke among others.
I'm a big believer in just trying all kinds of stuff out, so I part-time dabble in plushies1, sculpting1, props1, weapon designing, wire wraps, mask making, and card altering. It's kind of a problem haha
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