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Feb 2022

I'm sure this issue comes up constantly, but I'm failing to understand why Tapas says my chapters are over 15,000 characters when Microsoft Word says they're not :neutral_face: What gives? Does anyone else have this problem? Does Tapas somehow count characters differently or something?

  • created

    Feb '22
  • last reply

    Mar '22
  • 8


  • 450


  • 6


  • 10


That would make sense, but I tried an experiment you see. I copy and pasted the whole chapter in there which came to 30,000 characters. And so, I started chopping out paragraphs until I got to 15,000...only that never happened. I erased the whole thing and it was still saying I had 25,000 characters :astonished:

It is a recurrent error I also have encountered multiple times.
I tried to "repaste" and modify it multiple times, or just closing and reopening the browser just so it works.

I've resolved to pasting the chapters in paragraph by paragraph. That seems to work but is tedious lol

Damn, I was hoping this was a complaint about the minimum character requirement on these forums. because scrEw tHEM! T_T

I always need to type bunch of dots or emojis because it won't let me comment something short like " thanks"

I had so many problems with that, because I always go over the top that I began splitting my chapters in two.

1 month later

closed Mar 19, '22

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