4 / 11
Jun 2021

I'm working on a new art style. I wasn't to get out of what I consider "hum drum" style. Here are the first sketches. I'm still working things out but would love feedback. Would you read a comic that looked like this/ why?

Any tips I should consider?

*: Coloring and Backgrounds are still being worked on, I think I need this to be more line-art focused? ut would happily hear any tips and tricks on bg and color.

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    Jun '21
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    Jun '21
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My initial thought would be push the line-weight variety some? You have a really good start, but you could go for even more especially with clothing areas to create contrast against skin and muscle forms.

I do find your shapes and forms are pretty interesting and expressive.
I'd say since you have clear line elements happening I'd take advantage of them by avoiding too much color shading. Especially darker ones that might detract. The right balance is an art thing you'll probably figure out by experimenting and trying more complex scenery.

Keep it up! Awesome work

i understand what yo are saying :smiley: thank you :smiley: after i make lunch Im going to fill out a page of skeleton quick sketches, then i will go back in and play with this.

as a thanks do you have an OC you can post here (or link me) and ill try and draw them in there?

I'm one of those lazy people that never took time to make a descript OC :sweat_smile:

With that said making your own personal vision come true is really all I want to see!

I’m just here to say I really like it! :grin::+1:

Really expressive characters and I like your lines and shapes.

I do like!
The body shapes and proportions are very well done. Also agree with the variety of the line-weight comment by @LCT_m_a_d

In a more personal taste, I don't know if adding the philtrum (the things that unites lips and nose) helps to your drawings, because you tend to make the mouth too low to balance it with the philtrum and leaves no space for the chin. Some ways to fix that is to reduce or don't draw the philtrum, move the mouth, and add the chin. Of course, this is only a personal taste of mine, you can ignore me xD

I took the liberty to modify one of your faces file to show what I mean. The first 2 are with less philtrum, and the last two I enterily took them out. Both examples have chin~

I don't gonna cover color, because you should try first what you may like, but if you are intereste, check this easy to follow youtube tutorials on color palettes. I know it helped me on my covers~
How to make a color palette1
How to use a color palette1

Good luck with your drawings!

Watching videos now. Understand what you are saying with the mouth. i will play with that on my quick poses page. do you have an OC you wanna post I will try and draw as a thank you?

I would absolutely read a comic in this style! The use of more exaggerated shapes really helps make the characters more expressive and easier to distinguish from one another without being constrained by a more "realistic" style. I would say keep playing with shapes and proportions for each character and push them as far as you can to make each silhouette recognizable from the others, especially if you'll be working in Grayscale or Black & White, you want readers to recognize the characters easily. you can always pull it back if it gets a little too crazy.

Keep a model sheet handy, so you know whose shapes are whose, or make little notes to yourself to keep certain aspects consistent, especially when going off-model for an extreme expression or a change in an outfit or something. For example, in Moss2, this looks like the same character across all the drawings, but in the one with the rain soaking his hair, without that recognizable spiky hair or colors for context, a reader might mistake him as a different character at first glance because the shape of his chin is different in the same panel that the shape of his hair has changed. It wouldn't matter that much with color, but again, it's something to keep in mind for B&W or Grayscale

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how you progress with this style. I really like how expressive your drawings can be when you push that cartoony square-head style of yours, so using something similar in conjunction with more realistic proportions seems like the way to go!

Beautiful! Love it n_n!
You know, something else that I have seen in your drawings, and you will have to tackle someday (I think you know already, but gonna say it anyway), make the characters look up, or you put the camera down so you will have to draw the nostrils. That's a tricky camera view, but it gives a whole another dimension of posibilities for your panesl =D

Keep up the good work!