1313 / 17936
Jan 2019

That's from my unreleased project. I forgot to draw that panel when I did main work so I drawed it separately and then I'll copy-paste it on the page. I never draw helicopters at close range before btw.

More concepts of 16 y.o. heroes for continuation! I should draw some environment and city and monsters, but duuuh.
So, just Summer with new earrings, and Gil with his "I'll seat near every bush in this country", I think.

Thank you! I've drawn every single day so far, and I'm starting to gradually get used to controlling the line weight and getting my lines straight...ish, haha.
I had to get photoshop for school so I switched from the trial version of Clip Studio Pro to Photoshop. CSP has a better brush selection, but I feel like I have better control in Photoshop? I don't know.
And I go totally crazy with layers! I probably over do it, haha. I had to move the eye of a drawing I did yesterday, but I couldn't figure out how to do it because I had a different layer for the line art, the flat color, the shading, and like two more layers for the eye itself.

Personally I went from photoshop to CSP and i feel like there's much more control in CSP because it offers stabilizing features and something about the brushes feel more natural imo
If you need brushes for Photoshop, there's lots free to download off DeviantArt!

Im guilty of using a lot of layers too! Haha
If you don't know yet (took myself and some others I know to figure it out) there's folders options in CSP and Photoshop so you can organise them better ^^ I like to keep my lineart seperate and my coloring in one folder to make it less confusing and cluttered.
* This can also help for moving things like you mentioned. If the drawing or an element is all in one folder, you can select the folder and movie it that way

I saw the most awesome band this weekend and I wanted to try a Persona 5 inspired artstyle, so he we are :3

A re-imagined version of my character from my comic Dragon Sparking. But re-imagined from my 13 year old self way back in 2002! I don't even think I have existing images from that time period. Its updated in my current Pixel Art style that my comic is done in. You can probably guess just from looking who my inspiration was...

I've kind-of disappeared off of Tapas for the past couple weeks because school's been really overwhelming, but here is a part of a character project I've been doing! I'm really trying to learn digital painting both from school and tutorials, and am now worried my comic's gonna look different when I return. :'D