16394 / 17940
Jun 2024

Don't know where my head's at rn, just been real foggy and unfocused lately.
Still nice to not have a schedule looming over my head for the summer.
I drew a Biblically accurate chicken XD

Learning to draw Leia Taylor is like my twelve labors

  1. learning to draw aquiline noses
  2. learning to draw narrower lips
  3. learning to draw rectangle builds
  4. learning to draw circular faces
  5. learning to draw tall girls

Okay it's not twelve, but it's like a lot

I didn’t know aquiline noses were called that before now, but I just realized that all but a very small handful of my human characters have aquiline noses. XD I wonder if I did that subconsciously because I have an aquiline nose.

most of mine have rounder or more pointed noses, but I had to research what the nose shape was called, because that's what I imagined onto her face lol

My latest full color drawing is the cover for my new novel series! I've been working on it for a few months now, and was super excited to get it posted when I realized it didn't have any art... D'oh!

So, spontaneous cover.

Might change it up later.

(What's the recommended width for forum images here?)

Practicing giving Mev’s sneks more personality.

I always wanted the snakes to feel more alive, but before fixing their size and placement it was a struggle to just stick them on her head let alone give them personality. I’m excited for the next page she comes back <3

:sob: bro I’m just filling up this thread. Sorry guys.

I was drawing this on magma (which is why there’s a random little heart at the top)

Oof, try drawing for hours to make it look mid asf. That's what I get for drawing both of them on different canvaes. And also the fact that I hardly draw at all, so drawing their outfits takes decades.