16398 / 17936
Jun 2024

most of mine have rounder or more pointed noses, but I had to research what the nose shape was called, because that's what I imagined onto her face lol

My latest full color drawing is the cover for my new novel series! I've been working on it for a few months now, and was super excited to get it posted when I realized it didn't have any art... D'oh!

So, spontaneous cover.

Might change it up later.

(What's the recommended width for forum images here?)

Practicing giving Mev’s sneks more personality.

I always wanted the snakes to feel more alive, but before fixing their size and placement it was a struggle to just stick them on her head let alone give them personality. I’m excited for the next page she comes back <3

:sob: bro I’m just filling up this thread. Sorry guys.

I was drawing this on magma (which is why there’s a random little heart at the top)

Oof, try drawing for hours to make it look mid asf. That's what I get for drawing both of them on different canvaes. And also the fact that I hardly draw at all, so drawing their outfits takes decades.

I've drawn a lot recently, but here are a couple pics of my female leads from "Rigamarole" "Damsel in the Red Dress" and "A Dozen Morning Glories"