33 / 63
Sep 2020

|Why do they always go and ruin it? Maybe I’ve a perfectly good reason for wearing black cords. Not that this chimp is ever gonna find out|

I was in such a mood when I wrote this chapter :joy:

He continued explaining. "Whatever animal deities and gods humans believe in do exist, or have existed.”

"That's...terrifying," Hyeon said.

"Oh, how so?" Sani, Coyote, or whomever he was asked curiously.

"That means the Flying Spaghetti Monster must be around somewhere, right?"

Sani's eyes widened in disbelief. "Doo ndiists'a' da?" (I don't understand?). Hyeon chortled at his skepticism. Animal demons and spirits were possible, but sky noodles weren't?

Coincidentally, the most random page from my comic is from the one I posted today!

From still unpublished:

"dick push --force" is right command to get her.

The old man (while his hands behind him and with closed eyes): Welcome, welcome, welcome...

Ohh I like this idea!

There’s a lot of ridiculous one-liners in there, but the one that immediately comes to mind would be this...

“How many dicks does a turkey have?”

"Ever had ya palm read by an alligator?"

(I refuse to give context)

"My best friend is an idiot!"

"That is not a piece of cake!"