40 / 677
Aug 2015

...i discovered right now to be without a cover expressionless

Banners do convey or not convey.
Three of these comics I subscribe to at present.

Excluding ones that don't have subject matter I'm interested in, there are only three or four I would check out.

Others, I don't know if I would be interested in as they are just drawings. Some without titles. The banners do not even begin to tell a story or what kind of story I'll see after I click. A face or people standing will never get me to click.

Haha well I didn't put a title there because I think it's redundant, I mean people already clicked on my comic and saw its name, why would I have to put it on the banner?

I really like @getsuart's banner where she has the name, description and update schedule there.
But to me, 90% of the time I don't even notice banners so their functionality to me dwindles to "pretty piece of artwork," which is what I did exactly for my own banner, just pretty piece of artwork.

RELIC HUNTER-RIVEN: Tales From the Wasteland! This here is my Banner currently for the series now, but I'm looking to change it for the winter season and to celebrate One Year on Tapastic.

Lastly, This is the next CHAPTER COVER for the UPCOMING Comic chapter! SNEEK PEAK!

I've seen some amazing work here! I hope to make more of your series part of my library!



So gritty! The covers make me think of a SIN CITY feeling to it! I like the first cover having a bit of Red splashed with the black and white!

I like both of these but the second one is my favorite. It's subtle (no face) but yet its really cool and conveys the atmosphere of the comic.

Gael Force
It's a print comic that we are also putting up on tapastic. It's about a team of university student super heroes who defend
their campus from villainous threats. Made by university students in
Canada and set on our campus.

Mine updates with every new chapter and is usually just the front and back cover of the comic issue (wrap around covers are great!). This is the current one, soon to be taken down for the next issue!