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Jan 2018

science fiction musical here :smiley:


You mean Science-Fantasy right? Yeah, I got that.

It's got the works--spaceships, aliens, princess, fantasy and fun!

My comics are mainly comedy and romance respectively but they both feature different futures where corporations have taken over, robots, futuristic science and crazy people.

And most of my upcoming comics and novels are either sci-fi or different genres that include some sci-fi elements :smiley:
(they won't be up for quite some time tho^^;

(I'm currently fixing some issues with the early pages in this comic, might be a good idea to check out the other links first^^)

It's pretty new, with updates on sundays. <3

My comic is a space opera, but it's a subgenre of sci-fi, so here goes!

I just started new comic with aliens and mysterious Agents in it

Haven't really posted much in the forums but guess now is a good time to start. Retro Sci-Fi comic my friend and I are plugging away on between other deadlines. Up to 73 pages now with a goal of 120!

Can't let an opportunity to shamelessly advertise pass! here's the comic:

I have a Fantasy+Sci Fi comic series so I guess it's on place here? I hope you all like weird aliens...

Scifi comic here! Dustbowl, cyberpunk with a dash of heroism. Think Mad Max meets Batman Beyond. <3

Earth in a Pocket is kind of a sci-fi story for history nerds :smiley: And it has aliens that are either adorable, terrifying or both depending on who you ask.