16 / 29
Sep 2021

:joy: because


because I dont like english, I hate everything has to be forced to be in english +coughkarenslanguagecough+ like learn more langauges ppl! but out of joke

The original tittle is in Spanish (Los Instrumentos de Dios) and English has not the enough strengh when you say it??
like the literal translation is: "The Instruments of God" but! for many natives it will sound too archaic? or unnatural and would prefer "God's Instruments" that ends even weaker oTL

So I picked German - my limited German back years ago that now I have forgotten completely- and the tittle was "Die Instrumente von Got" but my friend corrected me to "Die Instrumente Gottes" to a more natural form/way to say it and it still has the strengh it has as in Spanish.

So officially, Spanish and German are the tittle's official versions for everyone.

18 days later

@Sethstiel I like the templates you provide for fun, i don't attend to all but this one i can give a shot at.

7 characters so far.

Right on! I agree with @allenT, @Sethstiel you do a great job bringing these fun charts/activities to the forums. It really creates a nice diversion/respite from the daily grind (and giving us all a solid opportunity to get to know our characters). Thanks for the opportunity!

Here's mine for Monkey Bunny (No surprise, the bad guys mostly rank in the genius/coward space).
And although Rivers gets both "Brave" and "Genius," I would argue his lack of common sense also puts him firmly in "idiot" too (but I was gentle with him on this one).

I wouldn't exactly consider any of my characters cowardly, but more cautious than anything.

15 days later

I haven't done icons \ art for the whole cast of Bestia's Wrath yet.

Some honorable mentions:

Lana: Rational Functional
Theron: Rational idiot
Koth: Brave Functional
Valkorion: Functional Coward
Vitiate: Genius Coward
Heskal: Rational idiot

Simone and Maya just so happened to line up perfectly in the chart like the drawing I copied their faces from, which I really like

I wouldn't describe teru as a coward, per say, but more 'smart enough to know she doesn't stand a chance against anyone with any sort of fighting ability'

She's 4'10'' and has weak engineer arms, so she's just being realistic

7 months later

If only I could fit more people into the "brave idiot" category this'd be more accurate haha :')

Don't think I have any (named) characters that fit that last box though ^^

19 days later

Did it for the characters that were already introduced on my comic Legends of Camelot......it was a really interesting exercise.

-Arthur is extremely cunning and brave. He thinks outside the box almost as second nature, even as a kid. However, his priorities often border the absurd, which is why some may consider him a fool despite the brilliant and unconventional methods he uses to achieve his goals. He is way too prone to risk and doesn't always thinks of the consequences of achieving what he wants.

-Kay, unlike his adoptive younger brother Arthur is more cautious, and while he is pretty clever on his own, he doesn't always matches the wits of Arthur.

-Hector, the biological father of Kay and adoptive father of Arthur is a man with a strong resolve and sense of what is right. That's why his bravery is on top. He doesn't have the brilliance of his children, but he is no fool and always encourages their children to think and to be the better version of themselves.

-King Uther is smarter than the average folk and a warrior at heart. He finds creative ways to use his magic even if he relies mostly on using fire. His pride and temper often get in his way, which is why he doesn't go further in the genius category. Aging and becoming a king has made him more careful, specially because he made many enemies on his way to the crown and after acquiring it.

-Penpingion is a shameful excuse of a knight. He doesn't have the wits or the guts for the job. He only got named a knight because he came from a noble family and got lucky to meet the right people at the right time.....Penpingion is only there for the status but reality is quickly hitting him in the face.

-Merlin is an enigma. Nobody knows what he is up to......his schemes go beyond anyone's and he calculates their outcome within years in advance.....he plays his roles as a jester, court wizard and king advisor as if they were one and the same.....Any setback seems like a game for him and his playful demeanor in the face of danger give the impression of a fearless man...... And that's why i put him off the charts.

Aside from Lily (center left) and Rose (bottom center) this was kind of hard! Lily is the smartest/most studious, but Maria (top left) has wisdom and experience on her side. Also I'd say she's more confident than brave? Annie (top right) can actually be very smart sometimes, but is clumsy and spacy about most things. Rose isn't necessarily a coward, but gets startled easily and is the least likely to take risks. If it seems too scary or high-risk she decides that she is simply not paid enough to deal with it.

Fresh is a rational genius. He runs if it's an option, and he's hyper-analytical, so if he has to fight, IT'S GONNA HURT.
Frisk is brave and functional. I wouldn't say she'd throw herself headlong into danger without a second thought... but she'd throw herself headlong into danger without a second thought. :laughing:

CONventure's maine characters here it goes. Mookie ultimate nerd genius in all video editing, video gaming, cosplay pop culture knowledge, Smookie superpowered red-head fighting skills self taught from fighting video games, functional and rational at times especially quickly angered at CONventure's staff, long lines, rivals, and mechas. Wookie from Nekoland has no understanding of pop culture of any kind, bubbly, and not very understanding of human interactions, since she's a full blooded NEKO from a planet far away called Nekoland.

Hmmm, hard to say ...

I don't actually know if Dolly is an idiot or a genius, but she certainly isn't functional :'D

Bonus - from my call to action entry I'm working on atm:

tfw you only have pictures of everyone from the back, except Isosceles who gets very old concept art :'D Time for me to get on with the drawing XD